We go to footage of Brock’s arrival in the WWE. We go to footage from his WWE debut at Backlash against Jeff Hardy.
We go to commercial.
We are back and John Laurinaitis is on the phone. Eve enters the office and John says that he has to go. John tells Eve to call him Johnny. Johnny says that he has an opening in his administration. They are looking for an executive administrator. Eve appreciates the title of ‘Executive’. Eve accepts and Johnny wants a hug but Eve only gives him a handshake.
We see the Brock Lesnar video package from last week where he talks about being an ass kicker. There isn’t anyone who has the accolades that he has. He says that the WWE wanted him and they needed him. He was a three time WWE Champion and the youngest WWE Champion. Brock mentions that he left and people wondered if he could make it in the UFC but he became the UFC World Heavyweight Champion.
He did not come back because of the fans or the feeling of coming through the curtain. He says that it is all business and he did this to legitimize the company. He says that John Cena is in the spot he is in because Brock left. He says that Cena would be carrying his bags into the building if he never left. Lesnar says that this is real. He doesn’t care what is running through his mind. He only cares about what is running down Cena’s leg.
Brock says that he has one objective in mind . . . utter freaking chaos.
He says that beating people up makes him happy.
CM Punk is in the locker room and Josh Mathews wants some comments. He asks about what Chris said earlier and wonders what the gift was. Punk says that the gift was a poor case of sarcasm. Punk shows a basket of a variety of alcohol. He says that this is an exciting day. Punk says that he will hand deliver a gift to Chris Jericho on Sunday.
Punk gives the basket minus a bottle of Jack Daniels to Josh as he wishes him a Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, and Happy Kwanzaa.
We go to commercial.
We are back with footage from Lord Tensai’s match against John Cena from last week.
Before our next match, we hear from Lord Tensai and he speaks in Japanese.
Match Number Two: R Truth with Little Jimmy versus Lord Tensai with Sakamoto
Tensai with a knee and chop followed by an elbow. Truth with a kick and punches. Truth with a split and leg lariat but Tensai does not move. Tensai with a clothesline but he misses a splash into the corner. Tensai with a shoulder tackle followed by head butts in the corner. Tensai with knees and a delayed butterfly suplex. Tensai with the back senton splash and he hits the sit out power bomb.
Tensai spits the mist and then he applies the claw and then adds an STO for the three count.
Winner: Lord Tensai
We see Kane walking in the back as we go to commercial.
We are back and it is time for Kane to make his way to the ring.
Kane says that Sunday night is his favorite night of the year. It is the night that WWE gets extreme. That means bad things for Randy Orton. As Orton found out at Wrestlemania, he cannot beat Kane with rules, much less without them. He says that he knows what Randy is going through. Randy is struggling with his humanity. He has found Randy’s one true weakness.
When he hit Randy’s father in the head with the pipe, it was Randy who suffered. It was fear of looking his father helpless. As he watched Randy laying next to his unconscious father, a wave of disappointment came over him. He realized that Orton was not a man or the viper. Randy is nothing more than a scared little boy calling out for his father in the middle of the night, begging for the nightmare to end. Waiting for the monster to go away. Kane says that he is the nightmare and the monster that Orton will never wake up from.
Randy appears on the TitanTron. He tells Kane to ask anyone who knows him that when you mess with his family, there is no turning back. Randy says that he had to return the favor. Randy says that he has been having a good time with Kane’s father. He suggests that Kane come back and join the fun as we see Paul Bearer in a wheelchair only to see Orton push him into a freezer.
Kane tells Randy that the heart of the monster holds no place for his father. Kane says that his true father is the devil himself so he could care less what Randy does to Paul Bearer. Kane says that he has no intention of saving his dad.
Orton comes to the ring and he attacks Kane. Orton sends Kane into the ring post a few times. Orton goes under the ring and he gets a pipe and he hits Orton in the chest and goes deep like Miguel Cabrera. He adds a few shots as if he was getting ready to play for the Red Wings.
Kane goes though the crowd.
Cole and Lawler talk about the contract signing that did not take place. Jerry mentions that Edge did appear to talk to John Cena.
Chris Jericho is walking in the back and Alex Riley stops him and he tells Jericho that Punk kicked him out of the locker room for drinking out of the gift basket. Jericho wants to know if this is a set up. Jericho has Alex lead the way.
Jericho walks into the room and he sees Punk on the phone drinking from a red cup with a bottle of Jack Daniels in front of him.
Match Number Three: Cody Rhodes and Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez versus Big Show and Great Khali
Del Rio lets Cody start against Khali and Cody reluctantly gets into the ring. Cody tries for a kick but Khali blocks it and chops the knee. Khali sends Cody into the corner and hits a clothesline. Khali blocks another kick and he chops the knee again. Cody goes to the floor and Del Rio wants to talk strategy but Cody limps away.
Del Rio is tagged in and he kicks Khali in the leg but Khali with a chop to the head. Khali with a chop in the corner and Del Rio heads to the floor and we go to commercial.
We are back and Del Rio and Khali are on the mat. Show tags in and he clotheslines Del Rio a few times. Show with an Irish whip and running butt splash into the corner. He tries for the running shoulder tackle but Cody pulls down the ropes and Show goes to the floor. Cody attacks Show on the floor.
Show rolls back in at the last moment and Del Rio with kicks before Cody tags back in. Cody with a clip from the turnbuckles and then he kicks Show. Cody with knee drops to the leg and then he tags Del Rio back in and he kicks Show. Del Rio with kicks to the head followed by an elbow drop and gets a near fall but Show with a powerful kick out.
Rhodes tags in and he kicks Show in the leg. Cody with boots to the leg and then he tags Del Rio back in. Del Rio with a boot to the leg and then he applies a knee bar. Show with a leg drop to escape the hold. Cody tags in and Show grabs Cody by the throat and tries for a choke slam but Cody escapes and clips Show. Cody with a figure four leg lock on Show.
Show with a chop to escape and then Cody with a knee drop for a near fall but Show kicks out and sends Rhodes into the air. Show with a chop to Del Rio and then Cody wants to tag in but Del Rio and Ricardo leave.
Show with clotheslines and a back body drop. Khali with a chop and then Show with a choke slam for the three count.
Winners: Great Khali and Big Show
Michael Cole mentions that we will have a United States Title Match on the preshow on Youtube. Santino Marella will face the Miz for the United States Title.