Monday, 21 May 2012 - Tonight’s WWE RAW Supershow opens up with a look at John Laurinaitis, People Power and the match against John Cena at last night’s Over the Limit pay-per-view.
- We’re live from the Richmond Coliseum in Richmond, Virginia as John Cena’s music its and out he comes. Cena has a serious look on his face as he marches to the ring. Cena takes a mic and says he’s had a lot of matches where he comes out on Monday, congratulates his opponent and wants to move on. Cena yells and asks what the hell happened. John Laurinaitis beat him. Cena rips Laurinaitis and says he got a taste of his own medicine last night. They were having fun until Big Show showed up. Cena says Show sold out and there’s on possible explanation for what he did last night. Cena says Show would have got hired back by whoever took over for Laurinaitis after he got fired. Cena references the old RAW General Manager laptop and says he would rather have it back. Ace’s music hits and out comes Eve Torres. She introduces Laurinaitis and out he comes in a handicap scooter. He gets to his feet with crutches and talks about having to be rushed to the hospital last night. He runs off a list of injuries. Laurinaitis says Cena or anyone else can never lay a finger on him again or they will be terminated. Laurinaitis introduces Big Show and says he re-hired him on Saturday, giving him a big bonus. Laurinaitis announces Show vs. Cena for No Way Out in June.
Show comes out to the stage and the crowd tells him he sucks. Show says everyone wants an explanation but nobody is entitled to one. Show says he was on his knees begging for his job last week and nobody loves this business more than he does. The crowd chants sell out. Show says after 18 years, he got nothing in return when he got fired. Show says he did what anyone else would have done. He’s got an iron-clad contract now and he’s proud of it. Show asks how Cena or any of the fans can judge him. Show says there will be No Way Out for Cena because he’s going to knock him out. Show walks off to the back. Out comes David Otunga. Otunga says it’s time for Cena to lose to him now. Cena says he’s not in the mood. He tells Otunga to go in the back and watch re-runs of Law & Order. Cena promises to hurt Otunga if he gets in the ring. Otunga dedicates the match to Laurinaitis before posing on the stage and heading to the ring. We go to commercial.
John Cena vs. David Otunga The bell rings and Otunga goes to break through the ropes but Cena tries to get at him. Cena tries again but Otunga leaves the ring. Cena chases him to the floor and Otunga makes it back in first. Cena chases Otunga around and back in again. Otunga meets Cena with right hands now until the referee backs him off. Otunga poses as Eve and Laurinaitis look on from the ramp. Cena fights back and hits the Attitude Adjustment while looking at Laurinaitis. Cena applies the STF on Otunga for the win.
Winner: John Cena - After the match, Cena won’t let go of the hold until Tyler Reks, Curt Hawkins, Darren Young and Titus O’Neil rush the ring and attack him. They beat him down until World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus runs down for the save. Sheamus and Cena empty the ring together. Laurinaitis says he didn’t give them permission to do that and tells them to get backstage. Laurinaitis announces Sheamus and Cena vs. 3 other Superstars in a 2 on 3 Handicap Lumberjack match. Laurinaitis rides off on his scooter as Sheamus and Cena pose for the fans.
- Ricardo Rodriguez is beginning to introduce Alberto Del Rio when WWE United States Champion Santino Marella interrupts. Santino says he’s been listening to Ricardo but he can’t understand him and his accent is ridiculous, like his eyebrows. Santino says Ricardo knows nothing about the art of introducing and asks him to roll some R’s off his tongue. They go back and forth until the Cobra scares Ricardo back into the ropes. Santino hits Ricardo with the Cobra this time and he goes down.
Santino begins to introduce Del Rio as his music hits. Del Rio finally comes driving in after Cole plugs the 1,000th RAW. Del Rio doesn’t look happy about Santino doing his introduction. Santino walks off as Del Rio hits the ring and we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and out comes Randy Orton to a big pop.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton Orton takes control now and hits the powerslam. Orton with the second rope draping DDT. Orton drops for the RKO but Chris Jericho comes in and hits the Codebreaker for the DQ.
Winner by DQ: Randy Orton - The crowd chants “you suck” at Jericho as he stands over Orton. Jericho says he is the best in the world at what he does. Jericho says it again and asks Orton if he understands. Jericho yells it now as Orton gets to his feet. Jericho hits another Codebreaker and gets down in Orton’s face talking trash. Jericho says he’s the best in the world again and drops the mic. He looks to leave the ring but comes back to pick Orton up. Jericho has lost it as he hits Orton with a third Codebreaker.
- Back from the break and out comes Daniel Bryan. He says an injustice was done last night and he should be the new WWE Champion. He shows footage of CM Punk tapping out. Bryan says he deserves to be champion and will make Punk tap out again. Bryan demands a rematch and out comes WWE Champion CM Punk.
Punk shows footage of what happened on SmackDown last week. He introduces Bryan’s opponent for tonight and out comes Kane. Punk makes his way over to commentary.
Kane vs. Daniel Bryan Punk gets up from commentary and grabs a steel chair. He acts like he’s going to hit Bryan but goes to hit Kane. Bryan stops him from hitting Kane and grabs the chair from Punk. Kane gets up and sees Bryan with the chair. Kane attacks Bryan and unloads on him with the chair as Punk sits back down for commentary and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner by DQ: Daniel Bryan - After the match, Kane rolls Bryan back into the ring and chokeslams him. Kane chokeslams him again before leaving the ring. Punk goes in the ring to “check” on Bryan. Punk applies the Anaconda Vice and Bryan taps. Punk lets up and mocks Bryan by chanting yes.