Teya Salat
- AJ Lee stops CM Punk backstage. She says she enjoyed watching him beat up Daniel Bryan. He says maybe she’s not crazy but she’s sadistic. She starts to lose it and cry. He hesitates but hugs her and says everything will be fine. He tells her to stop crying and she does. He says he sort of digs crazy chicks and walks off.

Christian vs. Jinder Mahal
Justin Roborts introduced the new Intercontinental Champion Christian. This a non-title match here. Christian with the drop down right hand and elbow from the second rope. Mahal blocks Killswitch and drops Christian with a big boot. Christian comes back and hits Killswitch. He goes back to the top and hits a big splash for the win.
Winner: Christian

Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly
Kelly beats Beth up in the corner. She goes for the back elbow in the corner but Beth knocks her out and hits the Glam Slam for the win.
Winner: Beth Phoenix

- We see Laurinaitis backstage riding his scooter around as we go back to commercial.

Handicap Lumberjack Match: Sheamus and John Cena vs. Tensai, Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler
The Lumberjacks bring Cena and Sheamus into the ring to beat them down. Now the babyface wrestlers come out. CM Punk, Christian, Santino Marella, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Brodus Clay, The Great Khali and several others come out. Cena walks up the ramp looking for Big Show as the huge brawl continues in the ring.
Winners: No Contest

- Cena runs in the back and sees Laurinaitis but can’t touch him or he will be fired. Cena wants to know where Big Show is. Laurinaitis walks off and out of nowhere, Big Show drops him with a knockout punch. Show walks off following Laurinaitis as RAW goes off the air.

Source: WrestleNewz

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