Sunday, 29 April 2012
WWE United States Title Match: The Miz vs. Santino Marella
We go to the ring and out first comes The Miz for tonight’s pre-show match. Miz has a mic and cuts his music. He isn’t happy about being on the Extreme Rulespre-show. Miz says he gave John Laurinaitis his power by winning at WrestleMania 28 and this is what he gets in return. Miz says he main evented Extreme Rules last year. Miz goes on and says hewill win the US Title tonight. WWE United States Champion Santino Marella interrupts him and out he comes.
Santino strikes first and chases Miz out of the ring with a Cobra. Miz comes back in and knocks Santino down. Miz stomps away and takes control of the match. Miz with a big kick in the head fora 2 count. Miz goes on and gets another 2 count. Miz with a big DDT for another 2 count. Miz with the clothesline in the corner before going up top. Miz comes down with a big ax handle for another 2 count. Santino gets a quick roll up for 2 but Miz clotheslines him back to the mat. Miz takes Santino the apron and hits the knee to the face from the floor. “You suck” chants for Miz now. Miz comes off the top again and Santino catches him with a shot to the gut. Santino comes back with his usual moves. Miz blocks the Cobra but gets hit by it after turning around. Santino covers for the win.
Winner: Santino Marella

- Cole and Striker talk about tonight’s card. We go backstage with Eve Torres, Teddy Long, Cody Rhodes and IntercontinentalChampion Big Show. Eve tells Teddy to spin the Roulette wheel. It lands on a Tables Match and that’s the stipulation for tonight’s IC Title match. Show tells Cody good luck and walks off. Cody blames this on Teddy. Striker and Cole go back to discussing tonight’s card.

Falls Count Anywhere Match: Kane vs. Randy Orton
Orton slams Kane into the announce table and continues the assault.
Kane gets up and tries to chokeslam Orton through the table. Orton counters it and knocks Kane onto the table. Orton hits the draping DDT on the floor with Kane hanging off the table. Orton covers for a close 2 count on the floor. Orton goes for a RKObut Kane shoves him into the ringpost head first. Kane with a 2 count on the floor. Kane throws Orton back into the ring. Kane goes to the top but Orton takes his leg out. Orton hits Kane with a right and climbs up top with him. Orton nails a big superplex from the top and covers Kane for 2. Orton readies for Kane to get up but Kane catches him with a chokeslam. Orton still kicks out at 2. Kane positions the chair and readies to Tombstone Orton onto it. Orton counters the Tombstone and RKO’s Kane onto the chair. Orton covers, this time for the win.
Winner: Randy Orton

- Eve Torres and John Laurinaitis are backstage watching the pay-per-view. Eve has a surprise for Laurinaitis. She has Teddy Long bring in 2 glasses and 2 bottles of champagne on ice. Teddy pours them glasses. Eve says this toast is to change and people power. Ace’s cell phone rings and it’s Triple H calling. Laurinaitis says sure he can talk and walks off to a more private place.

Brodus Clay vs. Dolph Ziggler
We go to the ring and out comes Brodus Clay with Hornswoggle and the Funkettes dancing. Vickie Guerrero is out next and says here’s the man who will defeat Brodus tonight – Dolph Ziggler. Dolph comes out with Jack Swagger right behind him.
The bell rings and Brodus with the first move. Ziggler tries to take the leg out but can’t. Clay dances around as Ziggler gets back up. Swagger distracts Clay and Ziggler dropkicks him in the back, sending him out to the floor. Swagger runs over Clay on the floor as the referee is distracted by Ziggler. The referee begins to count Clay out.
Brodus comes back in and fights back but Ziggler kicks his leg out. Ziggler with the big leg drop to the back of the head for a 2 count. Ziggler goes back to the attack on Clay. Clay fights back again but Ziggler stops him and gets another 2 count. Ziggler goesback to keeping Clay grounded onthe mat. Clay stands up with Ziggler on his back with the sleeper hold applied. Clay jiggles and slams Ziggler, breaking the sleeper. Ziggler goes right back to fighting Clay. Brodus finally throws Ziggler off and dances. Brodus runs over Ziggler and makes his comeback. Clay with a big headbutt. The crowd chants for Ziggler but Brodus hits the bigsplash for the win.
Winner: Brodus Clay
- Clay, Hornswoggle and his dancers celebrate after the match.

Tables Match for the WWE Intercontinental Title: Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show
They come back in the ring and Show leans a table up in the corner. Show throws Cody into the table but he jumps off it and hits the Beautiful Disaster kick. Cody goes for another kick but Show drops him with a shoulder block. Cody goes back to the floor.Cody goes to the other side of thering after stalling and grabs a table. Show grabs him but Cody fights back. Show drops him with a big clothesline and continues to dominate the match. Show uses a table to get back in the ring but the table breaks and Cody wins the match.
Winner and New WWE Intercontinental Champion: Cody Rhodes

- After the match, Cody begins to celebrate but Show runs over himwith a big spear. Show takes out his frustrations on Cody and puts him through several tables.

- Matt Striker is backstage with Daniel Bryan. Bryan talks about how he is better than Sheamus in any way imaginable. Bryan rips the Chicago fans next. Bryan saystonight he will become the two-time World Heavyweight Champion and walks off chanting yes. We see AJ Lee come out of the shadows.
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