2 of 3 Falls Match for the World Heavyweight Title: Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus Sheamus earns the first fall by DQ.
Bryan has done the damage to the shoulder. He drags Sheamus over and applies the Yes Lock. Sheamus looks to be out and Bryan keeps the hold tightened. Sheamus goes for the ropes but Bryan keeps it locked. The refereecalls for the bell for a submission.
Bryan earns the second fall by submission.
Trainers come in the ring to checkon Sheamus as Bryan chants “yes” and gets the crowd to start a massive chant. This goes on for a few minutes and Sheamus tells them he wants to continue. There is one fall left to decide the match.Bryan charges as the match resumes and Sheamus nails a Brogue Kick out of nowhere. Sheamus crawls over and covers Bryan for a close 2 count.
Bryan gets to his feet as Sheamustries to get up. Bryan stops him with a big kick. Sheamus fights back from his knees but Bryan knocks him over with a big kick to the head. Bryan covers for a 2 count. Bryan goes to the top but Sheamus cuts him off and wails away with right hands. Sheamus climbs up and goes for a superplex but it’s blocked. Bryan knocks Sheamus back to the mat with headbutts. Bryan stands up and goes for the big diving headbutt but Sheamus moves outof the way. Bryan goes for the dropkick in the corner but Sheamus moves again. Sheamus comes back with ax handle shots that barely hit. Sheamus hits the Irish Curse backbreaker and the crowd boo’s. Sheamus connects with a Brogue Kick for the win.
Winner: Sheamus
Ryback vs. Aaron Relic and Jay Hutton
Santino Marella and The Great Khali are backstage watching as two local wrestlers are in the ring.One guy takes a mic and talks about how nobody on SmackDown can beat Ryback. Theother guy has a math equation for us and keeps repeating that two is greater than one. It gets really annoying when Ryback’s music hits and out he comes.
A big Goldberg chant breaks out from the crowd. The one guy tries to attack Ryback but it does nothing. He charges and Ryback floors him with a big boot. Ryback manhandles him and lifts him to the air for a big slam. Ryback drags him to the side and throws the partner in the ring. Ryback levels him with a big clothesline. Ryback hits his finishers on both of them and stacks one on top of the other forthe pin.
Winner: Ryback
- We see Santino Marella and The Great Khali watching the match backstage. Ryback celebrates in the ring as the Goldberg chants continue.
- Matt Striker is backstage with WWE Champion CM Punk. The crowd pops big time for the hometown hero. Punk talks aboutChris Jericho’s antics only making him stronger. Punk says he gets to beat Jericho in front of his family and 20,000 of his closest friends. Punk says Jericho will wake up with a hangover tomorrow morning because he put him to sleep.
- We get a promo video for tonight’s WWE Title match.
Chicago Street Fight for the WWETitle: Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk Jericho picks Punk up and goes for GTS. The crowd boos big time as Jericho wastes times with Punk on his shoulders. Punk catches the leg out of GTS and goes for the Walls it looks like. Punk catapults Jericho into the corner and catches him inGTS for the pin and the win.
Winner: CM Punk
- After the match, Punk jumps to the fans at ringside for a celebration.
- Beth Phoenix is backstage arguing with The Bella Twins. Eve Torres walks up and says Beth isn’t cleared to wrestle so she’s out of the Divas Title match tonight. The Bellas go to leave and Eve says Nikki will defend against a surprise Diva tonight. Nikki doesn’t like surprises. Eve tells them not to worry because it’s not Kharma.
WWE Divas Title Match: Layla vs. Nikki Bella Layla with a crossbody from the corner. Brie gets involved but Layla knocks her back to the floor.More back and forth action and pin attempts. The Twins do the switch out and Brie comes in. Layla counters her and hits a neckbreaker for the win and the Divas Title.
Winner and New WWE Divas Champion: Layla Next Page >>