Monday, 23 April 2012 If we have a major pay per view match on Sunday, that must mean that it is time for a contract signing. We have the table set up in the ring and the pomp and circumstance surrounding this always calm and reserved moment is being restrained by John Laurinaitis because he would never overdo things. It looks like Teddy Long has a job this week because he gets to guard the table.
Teddy welcomes everyone to the contract signing and he brings out John Cena first. Out next is Brock Lesnar, but he looks a lot like John Laurinaitis. John tells Teddy that Brock is not here yet. John and Teddy argue and then John says that we will have the contract signing when Brock gets here on Brock’s terms.
John tells Teddy to tell Cena that he shouldn’t be in such a big hurry to sign the contract because this could be his last night on Raw so he should enjoy it. John tells Teddy to ask Cena to leave his ring.
Teddy asks Cena to leave the ring, but Teddy leaves instead.
John Laurinaitis welcomes everyone to People Power Raw but he is interrupted by Edge who makes his way to the ring.
Edge says that he is not supposed to be here and in a few days, he isn’t even under contract. Edge says that he came here to talk to John. He could do it privately but this will have more impact. He didn’t come to talk to this John Cena because he doesn’t know this John Cena.
Edge says that he came here to talk to the John Cena who was his greatest rival in this industry. He came to talk to the John Cena who when he slapped his father, came to his home town and beat him in a TLC Match. He wants the John Cena who chucked him in the Long Island Sound.
Was it the loss to the Rock that changed Cena? Andre after Hogan, Bret after the screwjob, and Rock after losing to Lesnar. Edge tells Cena that he cannot lose. He has to find that John Cena. With all of their differences, there is one similarity. That was how much they love this. More than anything else, they have wanted to do this.
Was this ‘it’ for Brock Lesnar? Does Brock give a damn about this? Does he give a damn about the fans? Only if they can line his pockets. Brock left for eight years while him and John carried the load. Edge tells John to wake up because if he doesn’t it is a slap to the face of everyone who cared. It is a slap to Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker, and him. Edge tells Cena to WAKE UP.
Edge says that he is not asking Cena to beat Brock, he is telling him.
We go to commercial with Cena thinking about what Edge just said.
Match Number One: Chris Jericho versus Kofi Kingston
They lock up and Jericho with a knee and punches. Jericho with knees and forearms in the corner. Kofi with an Irish whip and forearms. Kofi with a monkey flip and arm drags. Kofi with a drop kick and then he clotheslines Jericho over the top rope to the floor. Kofi sets for a tope but he sees Jericho move so Kofi bounces off the ropes and returns to the ring.
Jericho falls victim to a drop toe hold and then Kofi with an arm bar. Jericho with a chop and punch in the corner followed by an Irish whip and running clothesline into the corner. Jericho with a side head lock. Kofi with leap frogs followed by a leaping back elbow for a near fall. Jericho sends Kofi into the air and then sends him face first into the mat.
Jericho with chops and then he misses a splash into the corner when Kofi moves and Jericho goes to the floor. Kofi with a flip dive onto Jericho and we go to commercial.
We are back and Jericho with a reverse chin lock while we see what happened before the commercial. However, during the commercial, Jericho hit the vintage springboard drop kick to send Kofi to the floor. Kofi with a rollup for a near fall. Jericho with an enzuigiri and he gets a near fall. Jericho punches Kofi and slams his head into the mat. Jericho with a surfboard on Kofi but Kofi gets to his feet. Jericho with a knee and bulldog. Jericho sets for the Lionsault and he lands on his feet when Kofi moves.
Kofi with a rana for a near fall. Kofi with chops and a drop kick to Jericho and then he goes for the Boom Drop but Jericho gets up and hits a clothesline for a near fall. Jericho with a chop followed by an Irish whip. Jericho runs into a pendulum kick and Kofi goes up top but Jericho rolls through on the cross body and gets a near fall. Kofi with the SOS for a near fall.
Kofi goes up top and hits Shadows over Hell and then he hits the Boom Drop. Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise but Jericho blocks it and he tries for the Walls but Kofi powers out of it. Jericho sends Kofi to the apron and then Kofi tries for a springboard move but Jericho with a Codebreaker. Jericho puts Kofi in the Liontamer and Kofi taps out.
Winner: Chris Jericho
After the match, Jericho asks everyone if they saw that. That is the proof that this Sunday at Extreme Rules, he will become the new WWE Champion. CM Punk knows all about being extreme. He has an extremely alcoholic father, an extremely drug addicted sister, and an extreme morally challenged mommy. In front of his home town, family, friends, and his wannabe fans, he is going to receive an extreme beating from him.
Chris says that he is making an extremely kind gesture. It is a gift for Punk and he is going to give it to Punk tonight. It is going to allow Punk to cope with the idea that he is going to lose the WWE Championship to Chris Jericho and that Chris Jericho is the best in the world at everything he does.