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Date: Sunday, 7 April 2013
Time: 7pm EST (11pm GMT)
Venue: MetLife Stadium, NJ

- The WrestleMania 29 pre-show kicks off with Josh Mathews welcoming us to MetLife Stadium for WrestleMania 29 as fans take their seats. Matt Striker hypes tonight’s Intercontinental Title match with Wade Barrett and The Miz. Striker and Mathews are at ringside. They plug all the ways to view tonight’s show. Mathews asks fans to Tout their favorite WrestleMania moments. We go to Scott Stanford, who is inside MetLife with pre-show co-hosts Kofi Kingston, Dusty Rhodes and Jim Ross. There’s a big chant for Dusty.

- They talk about how big tonight’s show is. We get a promo video for the Jack Swagger vs. Alberto Del Rio match.

- JR talks about how Swagger isn’t the same person he met years ago. Ross says Del Rio has to work the most intense match of his career. Kofi says he has never seen Del Rio this angry and he is focused. Kofi says Del Rio is fired up. Fans chant for Kofi and Dusty some more. Dusty says tonight, Del Rio can grab hold of the American Dream and prove to the world he’s the better man. Sanford takes us to a WrestleMania hype video.

- We go back to Mathews and Striker at ringside. They plug some social media and the contest to win free WrestleMania XXX tickets. They talk about Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar.

- We go back to the pre-show hosts and there’s a “We want Ryder” chant from the fans in front of them. Dusty talks about how Lesnar vs. Triple H is nothing but a fight. Dusty says it’s going to be a mess. We go out in the parking lot to Tony Dawson. He’s with fans doing some tailgating. The fans are excited and ready for the big event.

- We go backstage to Snooki and The Miz. She’s one of tonight’s social media ambassadors. Miz congratulates her on becoming a MILF. Wade Barrett comes in and tells Snooki to tweet how he’s the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all-time who deserves something better than this. Snooki says that’s more than 140 characters. Miz tells her to tweet that he will be taking the title. Barrett’s going to show Miz a different kind of reality tonight and walks off.

- Striker and Mathews plug more of tonight’s show at ringside, including Ryback vs. Mark Henry. Henry is backstage with Renee Young. Henry says this is Ryback’s first WrestleMania and it will be memorable because it’s the night he will enter the Hall of Pain. We go back to the pre-show hosts to talk about the match. WWE’s stream skips through a bit and we get another WrestleMania hype video.

- The feed comes back on and we’re seeing a promo video for CM Punk vs. The Undertaker. We go back to the pre-show hosts. JR says CM Punk has been the WWE MVP for the past year. Ross predicts tonight will end at 21-0. We go to a WWEshop.com promo.

- We’re just over 27 minutes until the pay-per-view. Tony Dawson is back outside with members of the WWE Universe tailgating. We see videos from fans predicting the matches earlier in the afternoon. Striker and Mathews show us some Touts from fans telling their favorite WrestleMania moments. We get a promo video for The Shield vs. Randy Orton, Big Show and Sheamus.

- Dusty says if The Shield is going to be stopped, it might happen tonight. Kofi says The Shield are clicking on all cylinders and that’s dangerous. JR predicts The Shield will win their WrestleMania debut.

*WWE Intercontinental Title Match: The Miz vs. Wade Barrett

We go to the ring and out first comes The Miz. Out next comes the WWE Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett.

The bell rings and they go at it. Barrett with a pin attempt early on. Barrett with a big knee in the gut out of the corner. Barrett taunts the fans and hits Miz with right hands. Barrett lays Miz on the top turnbuckle and beats him with forearms. Barrett with a knee to the gut and a 2 count. Barrett with knees to the head now. Barrett runs into a big boot and goes down. Miz ducks a clothesline and makes a comeback. Miz with a neckbreaker and backbreaker combo for a 2 count. Barrett counters with a Wasteland attempt but Miz blocks it. Barrett blocks Skull Crushing Finale. Barrett catches Miz with Winds of Change for 2.

Miz avoids the Bullhammer Elbow and locks in the Figure Four. Barrett makes it to the bottom rope and breaks the hold. Barrett gets in a rake to the eyes behind the ref’s back. Barrett nails Wasteland for a close 2 count. Miz with a takedown and another Figure Four. Barrett taps out to end the match.

**Winner and New WWE Intercontinental Champion: The Miz

- After the match, The Miz goes to celebrate with fans at ringside. His mother is in the crowd. We go to replays.

- It starts to lightly sprinkle rain now. We go back to the pre-show hosts. They talk about John Cena vs The Rock. JR says Cena and Rock have a lot of DNA. He predicts if it goes under 30 minutes, Rock wins. If it goes longer, Cena takes the WWE Title. Dusty says it will be an epic battle. We go to a video for Rock vs Cena.

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