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*Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus

Sheamus hits him with forearm shots to the chest on the apron. Out of nowhere Tensai attacks and beats Sheamus down for the DQ.
Winner by DQ: Sheamus

- After the bell, Tensai and Barrett continue the beatdown on Sheamus. Big Show gets up smiling and walks over to the ring. Sheamus drops Tensai with a Brogue Kick and sends Barrett out of the ring. Show comes in and blocks a Brogue Kick. Show dumps Sheamus over the top rope and he hits the back of his head hard on the floor. Sheamus gets back in the ring ready to fight but Show walks up the ramp and to the back.

- More hype for Vince vs. Punk as the announcers argue. JR says he’s going to talk to Vince right now and gets up to walk to the back. Still to come tonight is Team Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio. Back to commercial.

- Still to come, Larry King will interview The Miz.

- We go backstage and AJ Lee is there when CM Punk walks in. Punk asks if she’s given any thought to him beating up an old man on her show. Punk says he isgoing to break Vince. AJ says Punk is too scared to fight Cena and wonders if he’s too scared to fight Vince too. Punk says he was just giving AJ a chance to save her job but now anything that happens will be her fault. Punk walks off.

- JR is backstage looking for Vince. JBL and Cole show us footage from Cena’s earlier appearance on Live with Kelly & Michael.

*Antonio Cesaro vs. Tyson Kidd

Cesaro lifts Kidd in the air and hits him with the big uppercut on the way down. Cesaro nails the Neutralizer for the win.
Winner: Antonio Cesaro

*Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Riovs. Daniel Bryan and Kane

Ziggler comes back in but Bryan trades shots with him. The end finally comes when Kane tags himself in and chokeslams Ziggler.
Winners: Team Hell No

- More hype for Vince vs. Punk. Jim Ross is backstage with Vince McMahon now. Ross talks about the JR Appreciation segment from after RAW last week. Ross said Vince called him a friend and Ross doesn’t want Vince to fight Punk tonight. Ross brings up what happened to Jerry Lawler after he faced Punk. Vince wants Ross to call his match tonight. Vince has Ross do some play-by-play right now and Vince likes it. Ross says Vince is making a mistake. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Larry King is out set up on the stage with his wife and Larry King Now co-host on Hulu Plus. The music interrupts and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz. Miz talks about it being his birthday. Miz wants Larry and his wife to sing happy birthday to him. King says nobody cares if it’sMiz’s birthday. King says he’s going to replace a boring guest with a new guest and out comes Kofi Kingston.

Kofi comes out and takes a seat. He talks about doing media for WWE and Miz cuts him off. Miz insults King and Kofi. Miz insults King and tells him to get off the stage. Miz goes no and King’s wife stands up. She tosses water in Miz’s face. Kofi attacks Miz and tosses him off the stage. Kofi leaps off the stage and takes Miz out. They brawl into the back as King and his wife wave goodbye to the fans.

*Tag Team Tournament Match: Zack Ryder and Santino Marella vs. Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow

The end comes when Cody blocks the Cobra and hits a Disaster Kick for the win. Rhodes and Sandow advance to the finals.
Winners: Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow

- After the match, Rhodes and Sandow leave. Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre come out. They count to three before attacking both men. They dump Ryder out of the floor before stomping away on Santino and trying to act like rock stars.

- Vince is backstage warming up when Paul Heyman walks in. He’s here to apologize for Punk’s action. Heyman said he knew nothing about the challenge or the slap. Heyman wants to broker the peace between Vince and Punk. Vince asks if Heyman even knows when he is lying or telling the truth. Vince says Heyman has been poisoning Punk’s mind for years. Heyman says he’s here for Vince’s sake, not Punk’s sake. Heyman begs Vince to not let Punk do to him what Brock Lesnar did to Triple H. Heyman walks off.

*WWE Divas Title Match: Kaitlyn vs. Eve Torres

Eve with a submission in the middle of the ring now. Kaitlyn finally taps out to end it.
Winner: Eve Torres

- After the match, Eve won’t let go of the submission. Layla comes in and Eve breaks it. Layla checks on Kaitlyn as Eve acts like she’s concerned. Layla shoves Eve into the ropes. Eve plays nice and heads to the back.

- Alberto Del Rio is backstage walking with Ricardo. Josh Mathews shows a tweet from Randy Orton where he says he’s coming to SmackDown. Del Rio doesn’t want to hear about it. Del Rio gets upset when he hears Orton will be at SmackDown and walks off.

- Larry King is backstage walking with his wife. Daniel Bryan walks up. Bryan needs advice on people calling him a goat face. Bryan hits on King’s wife but she doesn’t make a habit of dating trolls who live under bridges. King tells Bryan he should just accept the nickname. Kane comes up and they start arguing. King and his wife have already walked off.

- Punk is backstage warming up. Heyman is still trying to talk him out of the fight with Vince. Heyman has an idea – Punk delivers such a beating to Vince that he’s helpless and hopeless so bad that he can’t make another decision for the rest of his life. Punk says he’s going to victimize Vince and enjoy every second of it.

*Vince McMahon vs. CM Punk

Out comes Vince McMahon to the ring. CM Punk attacks from behind and beats him down in front of the ring. Punk wails away on Vince and beats him while he’s down. Punk rolls Vince in the ring. Vince stands up and spears Punk with a tackle. Vince with right hands. Punk rolls over and mounts him with right hands. Vince rolls back over for more offense. Punk drops Vince with a kick to the head and the bell still hasn’t rang yet.

It appears Vince is bleeding now. Punk tosses him out of the ring and follows. Punk slams Vince’s head into the announcers table a few times. Punk snatches Cole’s headset, yells something at Vince and slams his face into the table again. Punk scoops Vince and walks with him on his shoulders but Vince slides out and shoves Punk into the ring post. Vince’s eye is messed up also. Vince tosses Punk over the top of the announce table. Vince grabs a mic and says now he’s going to teach Punk about respect. Vince leaps over the table and attacks Punk. Vince beats him repeatedly with the microphone. Vince with a low blow now. Vince brings it back in the ring.

Vince goes under the ring and brings out a kendo stick. Punk retreats and crawls out of the ring. Vince dares Punk to come back in. Punk tells Heyman to bring him the belt. Vince cuts Heyman off and grabs the belt. Vince slaps Heyman to the floor. Vince climbs back in the ring with the kendo stick and the WWE Title belt. Vince drops the belt and dares Punk to come get it. Punk comes towards the ring and Vince swings. He tries to get back in but Vince won’t let him. Punk grabs his own kendo stick from under the ring now. Punk enters the ring but Vince wails away. They trade a bunch of kendo sticks but Punk ends up on his knees begging Vince. Vince charges but Punk uppercuts him below the belt. Vince goes down and Punk starts laughing.

Punk beats Vince with both kendo sticks and throws them away. He calls for GTS and grabs Vince for the mover but Ryback’s music hits and out he comes. Ryback hits the ring and Punk quickly retreats. Punk turns around and there is John Cena. Cena throws Punk in the ring and Ryback levels him with a clothesline as the crowd erupts. Ryback grabs Punk for Shellshocked but Punk slides out and escapes. Punk grabs his WWE Title belt and runs through the crowd with it. Vince grabs the mic and hopes Punk learned something about respect tonight. Vince tells Punk it’s decision time and calls him a creep. It looks like Punk hits a fan in the crowd. Vince says at Hell In a Cell, Punk faces either Ryback or John Cena. Vince gives Punk until next Monday to decide or Vince will decide for him. No Chance hits and RAW goes off the air.

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