Duck hunt
- We go to the ring and out comes the alumni Mick Foley for a special appearance.

Foley says he comes not as the Hardcore Legend but as a card carrying member of the WWE Universe. Foley talks about what he saw a year ago – the emergence of CM Punk. Foley says Punk inspired change but a year later what kind of change has he brought. Foley says the Punk he knew taught people to stand up for themselves and was a voice for the voiceless. Punk’s music hits and out he comes to interrupt.

Punk tells Foley not to come out here and grandstand to the fans. Punk tells him to say it to his face if he has something to say. Punk says respect and honesty would be appreciated. Punk tells Foley to admit why he’s really here, because he’s selling a new kids book. Foley says that’s not why he’s here. Foley says he congratulated Punk via text message last year when he won the WWE Title. Foley says two minutes later he got a thank you text from Punk. Foley says he’s deeply disturbed by Punk’s recentactions and his alignment with Paul Heyman. Punk stops and tells the crowd to show him some respect, calling them jerks. The crowd boos and apparently Punk is yelling at a particular fan. He tells the guy to come over so he can shove the mic down his throat. Punk is angry. He tells Foley he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Foley says he used to be a Paul Heyman guy but he didn’t become anyone in this business until he stopped listening to Heyman.

Foley says it seems like Heyman has been in Punk’s ear a lot longerthan a month. Foley brings up Heyman’s reputation as a liar but says he never saw that side of him. Foley wonders why Punk, one of the best talkers ever, needs a mouthpiece. Foley says Punk needs to decide if he wants to be an inspiration or just another kool-aid drinker.

Punk asks if we’re done yet. Foley brings up Hell in a Cell next. Foley talks about the match he had with Undertaker years ago. Foley says he earned respect that night. Punk says Foley just made a brilliant speech. Punk asks if he wants the old CM Punk back. Foley wants Punk to show he’s the best in the world by stepping into the Cell with John Cena. Punk asks if that’s what the fans want and they cheer. Punk brings up Bret Hart and John Cena’s recent speeches. Punk says he is nothing like Foley or Bret. Punk says Foley is beneath him. Punk says all he’s ever done is tell the truth. He doesn’t know how many times he has to beat Cena to prove he’s the best in the world. Punk says he does know that he doesn’t have to prove anything to the fans because they turned on him. Punk says Foley hurt himself for the fans. Punk won’t do that because he just wants to bring the fans to their knees. Punk say he can do that with a microphone. Punk brags about how many days he’s held the WWE Title. Foley says he held the title for 29 days the three time he had the belt. Foley says years later, nobody cares. Foley goes on and he’s fired up. He says he talked to AJ earlier tonight and she’s let him come out and extend this opportunity. Foley says Cena should be ready to go by Hell in a Cell and he’s here tonight. Foley says AJ is letting Punk make the decision himself but he will have to make it tonight in Cena’s face. Foley tells Punk to make the decision for himself, for Foley and for the fans. Foley tells Punk to have a nice day and leaves the ring as his music plays.

*The Miz vs. Ryback

Ryback readies for a clothesline but a fan runs in the ring. Security and the referee tackle him. Ryback runs over Miz and lays him out with Shellshocked for the win.
Winner: Ryback

- We go back to the local restaurant where Bryan and Kane are sitting down having lunch together now. Kane agrees with Bryan and says they can never be friends. Bryan says that’s too bad because they destroyed 8 men on SmackDown. They talk about how good it was hearing them scream in pain after the chairshots. Kane starts beating on the table and Bryan yells yes a bunch. We see Mae Young sitting at the counter and she orders what they’re having.

- AJ is backstage with the WWE referees. She says other sports do instant replays but the WWE doesn’t and won’t. She says everyone makes mistakes and tells them to go do a good job. Alberto Del Rio, David Otunga and Ricardo Rodriguez walk in and apparently AJ asked to see him. She says all three of them are victim of the Brogue Kick and tonight they can get vengeance. She makes Sheamus, Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. them.

*Wade Barrett vs. Tyson Kidd

Kidd with a roll up for 2. Kidd charges but Barrett catches him in a big sidewalk slam. Barrett pulls Kidd back and nails The Souvenir elbow for the win.
Winner: Wade Barrett

Michael Cole is in the ring. He says we will attempt to go live to Jerry Lawler in a few minutes. Cole shows us a still from two weeks ago where Lawler collapsed. Cole talks about Lawler’s heart attack. A WWE doctor told him it’s a miracle that Lawler is so far along in his recovery. We go live to Memphis, Tennessee and see Hall of Famer Jerry Lawler as the crowd pops big.

Lawler is sitting on his throne. Lawler still has a raspy voice from the breathing tube but says he feels a lot better than he should. Lawler says it’s great to be back with the WWE Universe on RAW. Cole asks Lawler the last thing he remembers that night. Lawler talks about remembering the opening segment with Bret Hart. He doesn’t remember one bit of the tag match with Randy Orton. The next thing he remembers was waking up in a Montreal hospital. Lawler says the amount of support he has received from everyone has been unbelievable. Lawler thanks everyone from the bottom of his heart. Lawler says he is leaving his return up to the doctors and says as soon as they say he can return, he will. Cole ends the interview and the crowd pops for Lawler one more time as his music plays.

*David Otunga, Ricardo Rodriguez and Alberto Del Rio vs. Sheamus, Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara

Sheamus knocks Del Rio away and hits Ricardo again. Rey tags in and nails 619 on Ricardo. Del Rio grabs Rey from the apron but Rey sends him flying into the fan barrier. Cara tags in and splashes on Ricardo off the top for the win.
Winners: Sin Cara, Sheamus and Rey Mysterio

- After the match, the three celebrate until they notice Otunga trying to get up. He turns around to a big Brogue Kick from Sheamus as the crowd pops. Sheamus’ music hits as they celebrate some more and we go to replays.

- Another segment with Kane and Daniel Bryan at the local restaurant with Dr. Shelby. Shelby wants them to take a bite of each others food. Bryan bits into Kane’s meatball and Kane eats a piece of Bryan’s salad. Shelby asks how Kane feels and he burps in his face. Bryan says the meatball wasn’t as bad as he thought but starts convulsing and throws up in Shelby’s lap. Kane asks for the check and that’s it.

- Cole is at ringside. He says it’s time to vote for the new name of Kane and Daniel Bryan’s tag team. The options are #teamteamwork for Team Teamwork, #teamhellnofor Team Hell No and#teamfriendhship for Team Friendship. Back to commercial.

- Back from commercial and out comes one-half of the WWE Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan. His partner Kane is out next. Cole is inthe ring and he reveals their name to be Team Hell No. Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow attack from behind and lay the champions out. Sandow says theydid this to themselves. Cody introduces them as the next WWE Tag Team Champions, dubbing them Team Rhodes Scholars. Sandow says now they have a reason to be angry and they’re welcome.

*Layla and Alicia Fox vs. Eve Torres and Beth Phoenix

Beth stomps on Alicia and hits a slingshot suplex as Eve tags herself in. Eve knocks Layla off the apron and hits a neckbreaker on Alicia for the win.
Winners: Eve and Beth Phoenix

- After the match, Beth looks upset with Eve. Kaitlyn comes out on a crutch. She has the security footage from Night of Champions when she was attacked. Kaitlyn says she couldn’t see the attackers face but did see her hair. Kaitlyn says she was attacked by a blonde. Eve points at Beth and accuses her of attacking Kaitlyn. Beth says it wasn’t her and she would never do such a thing. Beth turns around and Eve kicks her in the gut. Eve drops Beth with a neckbreaker as Kaitlyn looks on.

- We see John Cena backstage talking to someone. Back to commercial.

*Brodus Clay vs. Tensai

Tensai goes for his splash but Clay moves. Big Show’s music hits and out he comes. Show steps on the apron and drops Tensai with a right hand, knocking him out for the DQ.
Winner by DQ: Tensai

- Show enters the ring and Clay gets pumped up. Clay charges but Show drops him with another knockout punch. Show leaves Tensai and Clay laying in the ring as he heads to the back and we get replays.

- Back from the break and out comes John Cena with his arm in a sling.

Cena says as always, there are mixed emotions about him being here tonight. Cena says he wasn’t supposed to be here but with his future in question, he wanted to come and say thank you personally. Cena takes his hat off and thanks the fans for their support of the Rise Against Cancer campaign. Cena says WWE has had an unbelievable responseand the folks at Susan G. Komen can’t believe it. Cena says never doubt the WWE Universe because they are a very powerful group of people. Cena then thanks the fans for their support with his injury.

Cena says he came here to apologize. First he apologizes to referees Chad Patton and Brad Maddox. He apologizes for CM Punk next. Cena goes on and flips out on Punk, threatening to chin check him. Cena says it sucks being on the bench. He doesn’t guarantee his recovery but guarantees he will walk into Hell in a Cell. Punk’s music hits and outhe comes with Paul Heyman.

Punk comes out and cuts a promoon Cena. Punk says he will not be facing Cena at Hell in a Cell. Punk goes on and gives Cena some advice – run. Punk tells Cena to run right now while he can. Punk says he’s going to turn his back, count to 5 and when he turns around, if he sees Cena in his pinkhat and his pink shirt, he’s going to hurt him. Punk says he commands respect. Punk turns around and starts counting. Heyman turns around with him and raises the WWE Title. Cena pulls out a lead pipe. Punk turns around and Cena hits him in the gut with it. Heyman escapes the ring and now Punk crawls out. Cena says real men wear pink. Cena says he hopes to see Punk at Hell in a Cell. Cena’s music hits as he holds up the pipe. Cena says that’s what he calls a pipebomb. Punk flees to the stage with the WWE Title. Punk runs off to the back as Cena hands the pipe off to a fan behind Cole in the crowd. Cena greets fans at ringside.

We see Punk walking backstage. He walks past Mick Foley and they lock eyes. Punk stops and turns around. He kicks Foley in the gut and knocks him to the floor. Punk keeps walking but stops again. Punk turns around and stops scared. We see Ryback standing there. Ryback stares Punk down as RAW goes off the air.

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