- We go to the ring and out comes Daniel Bryan. Bryan is trying to stay calm and not get mad at the fans. The pyro goes off and out comes Kane next. It’s time to find out what the fans voted for on Twitter.
Cole stands up at ringside to hype the poll. #WWEhug wins with 55% of the vote. Kane and Bryan look at each other in the ring. The referee orders them to meet in the middle and hug each other. Bryan starts yelling no as the crowd chants yes. Kane doesn’t look too happy either. They hesitate but look like they’re going to embrace. Kane just can’t do it and backs up in the corner. They go to hug again and this time Bryan backs off. They try again but Bran just chest bumps Kane. The crowd boos. They try again and this time it’s Kane who chest bumps. One more time and now they meet in the middle of the ring. Bryan puts his arms around Kane but Kane doesn’t hug back. This upsets Bryan a bit. The crowd chants for Kane to hug Bryan back. They meet again in the middle of the ring and hug awkwardly. Apparently that wasn’t good enough and they’re ordered to really hug each other. The crowd pops at the sight of Kane and Bryan hugging. They start patting each other on the arm and things get physical. Bryan shoves Kane but Kane shoves back.
They do this again and Bryan strikes Kane in the face. Kane goes after him but Bryan ducks and unloads with kicks. Kane drops Bryan with a big right hand but Bryan dumps him out to the floor. Bryan leaps off the apron but gets caught with a big right hand in mid-air. Kane whips Bryan into the fan barrier several times and grabs a steel chair. Kane hits Bryan in the gut with it and rolls him into the ring. Kane chokeslams Bryan and grabs the chair again. Kane wedges Bryan’s head in the chair and climbs to the top. Referees run down and try to stop him. Bryan gets up with the chair and knocks Kane off the top with it before running off.
*WWE United States Title Match: Santino Marella vs. Antonio Cesaro
Santino ducks another clothesline and grabs the Cobra. Santino kicks Cesaro to the apron and goes to put the Cobra on. Cesaro rushes back in and lays Santino out with the Neutralizer for the win.
Winner: Antonio Cesaro(c)
Zack Ryder vs. Heath Slater
More back and forth action until Ryder finally hits the Ruff Ryder for the win.
Winner: Zack Ryder
- After the match, Vickie Guerrero comes out screaming on the mic. She wants to talk about her issues with AJ Lee. Vickie says she won’t leave until AJ comes out. Vickie demands a chair and takes a seat in the ring.
- Back from a commercial break and Vickie is still sitting in the ring. She reminds everyone why she’s out here – two weeks ago AJ put Dolph Ziggler’s Money in the Bank contract on the line and last week she attacked her in the ring. Like Clint Eastwood at the Republican National Convention, Vickie pretends that the empty chair is AJ and starts talking to it. AJ’s music hits and out she comes.
AJ says she just got off the phone with WWE’s Board of Directors. They told her her actions are some times juvenile and she can no longer put her hands on anyone. They also want AJ to apologize and she does. Vickie mocks her and asks if she’s apologizing because she’s an inept General Manager or is she really apologizing. Vickie demands an apology from AJ right now. They come face to faceand the crowd wants AJ to slap her. AJ hesitates but tells Vickie she’s sorry. Vickie calls that pathetic. She wants another apology and wants this one to mean something. AJ apologizes again and Vickie slaps her. AJ comes back ready to fight but remembers she can’t touch anyone. Vickie laughs and goes toleave but stops. Vickie slaps AJ again. Vickie laughs some more before leaving the ring. Vickie skips up the ramp laughing as AJ fumes in the ring. AJ slams the microphone and tosses the chair. She grabs the chair again and starts beating the mat with it. She screams like she’s crazy and tosses the chair out of the ring. AJthrows a fit and appears to be having some kind of nervous breakdown.
*Falls Count Anywhere Match: Alberto Del Rio vs. John Cena
Cena drops Del Rio on top of a bunch of production cases with an AA. CM Punk appears out of nowhere and drops Cena with a kick to the head. Punk lays Del Rio on top of Cena for the win.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
- Del Rio’s music plays as Punk picks Cena up. Punk drops his face on top of the car and Cena is out. Punk yells “respect” in Cena’s face and backs off. Punk holds the WWE Title up before getting in the car. The car drives by Cena and we see Paul Heyman is the driver. RAW goes off the air.