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*World Heavyweight Title Match: Alberto Del Rio vs. Sheamus(c)

The referee forces Ricardo out of the ring but tosses his shoe to Del Rio. Sheamus grabs that shoe and decks Del Rio with it. Sheamus hits the Irish Curse for the pin but Del Rio’s footwas on the bottom rope.
**Winner: Sheamus(c)

- After the match, Ricardo is trying to show the referee that Del Rio had his foot on the bottom rope. Michael Cole is outraged also. It looks like Sheamus realizes what happened too but he leaves the ring. Del Rio and Ricardo argue with the referee now. The referee doesn’t want to hear it and heads to the back while Del Rio throws a fit in the ring. Sheamus stops on the stage and smiles with the World Heavyweight Title as we go to replays, which clearly show Del Rio had his foot on the bottom rope. Sheamus’ music finally stopsand Del Rio heads to the back.

- Cole and Lawler plug Night of Champions.

- More hype for Triple H vs. Lesnar. We see footage from the pre-show where Triple H told referee Scott Armstrong to let them fight tonight. Cole talks about Shawn Michaels not being here tonight.

*WWE Tag Team Title Match: Titus O’Neil and Darren Young vs. Kofi Kingston(c) and R-Truth(c)

Kofi leaps from the top to the floor and takes Titus out with a crossbody. Young rolls Truth up from behind for 2. They tangle and Truth drops Young on his face with his finisher for the win.
**Winners: Kofi Kingston(c) and R-Truth(c)

**WWE Title Match: Big Show vs. John Cena vs. CM Punk(c)

Show goes for the knockout punch on Cena but he hits the Attitude Adjustment. Punk runs over, tosses Cena out of the ring and covers Show for the win.
**Winner: CM Punk(c)

- After the match, Cena walks off disappointed as Punk celebrates in the ring and poses with the WWE Title. Punk goes to ringside to celebrate with the fans.

- We see Vince McMahon’s star on the Walk of Fame and see some celebrities in the crowd. Fred Durst flips the camera off. Former WCW Champion David Arquette has a title belt in the crowd. Maria Menounos is wearing a t-shirt with Bob Backlund and Pat Patterson.

- Kevin Rudolf is on the stage to perform the SummerSlam theme.

*Main Event: Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar

Lesnar goes for the F5 and this time nails it. HHH kicks out at 2. Lesnar goes back for the kimura lock but HHH fights him off. Lesnar drops HHH and has the kimura locked in this time. HHH puts his foot on the bottom rope for no reason. HHH finally breaks the hold. HHH grabs Lesnar and lays him down with a Pedigree. Lesnar still applies the kimura lock again. HHH won’t tap until Lesnar tightens it. HHH finally taps out to end it.
**Winner: Brock Lesnar

- After the match, Lesnar goes to ringside with Heyman as trainers come in to check on Triple H. The announcers fear that HHH’s arm maybe broke again as we go to replays. Lesnar leaves and his music stops. Triple H is shown in the ring trying to recover. The crowd chants his name as he pushes a trainer off. He tells the man to get out of the ring. The crowd breaks out in a brief “you tapped out” chant. HHH finally stands up and is met with a mixed reaction, mostly applause from the crowd. Now a Triple H chant breaks out. Triple H hangs around the ring for a few more minutes before exiting. HHH greets some fans at ringside as he makes his way up the ramp, slowly. It looks like he’s getting emotional as he backs up the ramp and the crowd cheers. HHH heads to the back as Lawler speculates that Triple H just said goodbye. SummerSlam goes off the air.
