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- Kane and Big Show are walking backstage as we go back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a video of John Cena and Alicia Fox visiting troops at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center last week.

*No DQ Match: Kane vs. Big Show

Kane goes up to the top but Show moves and he goes down. Kane grabs the chair but Show spears it into him. Show clutches his shoulder but chokeslams Kane on the chair for the win.
Winner: Big Show

- Teddy Long runs into Eve Torres backstage. She starts kissing up and he tells her to save the drama. Teddy puts a big name tag on her, laughs and walks off. Eve tears it up and walks up on AJ, who is still upset. Eve says she’s been really busy lately, taking a play out of her book. Eve tells her to leave the mind games to grown ups and go do what little girls do best – sit in the corner and cry. AJ says Eve will do anything for attention. AJ asks what Eve is going to do now that John Laurinaitis is gone, who is she going to brown-nose next. AJ says she’s going to show Eve and everyone else how to get attention. She walks off and Eve shakes her head. Back to commercial.

*Tyson Kidd vs. Tensai

The bell rings and Tensai backs Tyson in the corner and unloads on him. Out of nowhere Kidd rolls Tensai up for the quick win.
Winner: Tyson Kidd

- After the match, Tensai takes out his frustrations and beats up Sakamoto in the ring. Tensai tosses him out to the floor as the crowd boos. Tensai goes out after him and continues the assault as we go to a replay of the match.

- Chris Jericho is backstage when Daniel Bryan walks up. Bryan hopes he isn’t wearing his stupid light jacket to the ring. Jericho puts down Bryan’s yes jacket and his beard. Bryan chants “yes” as Jericho tells him to never ever say that again. Jericho chants “ever again” as Bryan chants “yes.” We see Punk and Cena getting ready before going back to commercial.

- Tyson Kidd is backstage when Josh Matthews walks in for comment on his victory. Kidd says he’s on top of the world but Tensai attacks from behind. Tensai throws Kidd into the lockers and leaves him lay.

*Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk and John Cena

AJ’s music hits and out she comes skipping around the ring. Bryan and Punk go at it trading shots. She looks upset that nobody is paying attention. She gets on the apron and they still don’t give her any attention. They collide in mid-air and go down at the same time. AJ goes under the ring and brings out a table. AJ sets the table up at ringside and slowly walks up the ring steps. AJ climbs up to the top to jump down through the table. Bryan gets up and begs her not to. Punk climbs up top with her and tells her to get down. She grabs him and kisses him. AJ pushes Punk down onto Bryan and they both crash through the table. She looks down from the top turnbuckle and laughs at them. AJ chants “yes” as we go to replays of what just happened. RAW goes off the air with AJ smiling from the top and no result for this match here.

Source: WrestleNewz.com

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