Duck hunt
Brodus Clay vs. JTG
Clay with a big splash in the corner and an overhead suplex. Clay runs the ropes and hits the big splash for the pin.
Winner: Brodus Clay
- After the match, Clay brings some kids in the ring and has them dance around.

- Eve is backstage with Teddy Long and Laurinaitis. Eve says Teddy’s presence is annoying Laurinaitis and tells him to leave. Eve tells Laurinaitis to sit down and calm down. Laurinaitis is upset. Eve says he has lost Lesnar, Lesnar is gone from WWE. Eve says WWE needs a leader right now and the entire world is watching Laurinaitis right now. She asks him what he’s going to do? Who is John Cena’s next opponent going to be? Laurinaitis stands up and says he knows who it will be and Cena won’t like it.

Beat the Clock Challenge Match: Randy Orton vs. Jack Swagger
Orton preps for the RKO with 30 seconds left. Swagger blocks it and applies the ankle lock. Orton rolls out and sends Swagger into the turnbuckle. Orton hits the RKO and beats the clock with 2 seconds left. 4 minutes and 16 seconds is the new time to beat. We see The Miz watching backstage and he’s upset.
Winner: Randy Orton

- It’s announced that John Cena has been summoned to the ring to find out his Over the Limit opponent. Still to come, R-Truth and Kofi Kingston vs. Epico and Primo match.

WWE Tag Team Title Match: R-Truth and Kofi Kingston vs. Epico and Primo
Epico and Kofi come in at the same time. Kofi takes out both men and unloads on Epico. Kofi with a big dropkick and a right hand. Kofi with the Boom Drop. He goes for Trouble in Paradise but is distracted by Rosa and Primo. Truth takes out Epico and Kofi connects with the kick for the pin and the titles.
Winners and New WWE Tag Team Champions: Kofi Kingston and R-Truth

- We see Kane and The Great Khali in split screen as they headed to the ring as we go to commercial.

- Primo and Epico are arguing backstage when Abraham Washington walks up. Rosa says let’s talk. Abe says if he would have been given the chance, they wouldn’t have lost the titles. He’s interrupted by The Great Khali’s music.

Beat The Clock Challenge Match: Kane vs. The Great Khali
They fight outside of the ring. Khali brings him back in. Kane goes for a chokeslam but Khali grabs him for a double chokeslam. The clock runs out and the referee stops the match. They failed to beat the clock. Kane grabs Khali and chokeslams him anyway.
- We see Randy Orton watching backstage. He has one more match to survive.
- Daniel Bryan is walking backstage as we go to commercial.

Beat the Clock Challenge Match: Daniel Bryan vs. Jerry Lawler
Lawler goes for the piledriver but Bryan backdrops him. Bryan with a big kick to the head. Bryan applies the Yes Lock. Lawler taps out and Bryan beats the clock, earning a WWE Title shot at Over the Limit.
Winner and New #1 Contender: Daniel Bryan

- CM Punk’s music hits and out comes the WWE Champion to the stage. Punk applauds Bryan and holds up the WWE Title. Bryan chants yes and motions for the title around his waist.

- Up next, we find out Cena’s opponent for Over the Limit. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and we see what happened earlier with Triple H and Brock Lesnar. Cole says that Lesnar has been escorted from the building by security and Triple H has a broken arm.

- We go to the ring and out comes John Cena. His arm is in a sling buthe’s in good spirits.
Cena says he’s here. All the muscles in his arm are strained but he’s here. Cena is interrupted by John Laurinaitis coming to the ring. They talk and Laurinaitis says he brought out the best John Cena possible. Laurinaitis says Cena should be thanking him. They go on and Laurinaitis introduces Cena’s opponent for Over the Limit – Lord Tensai. Tensai comes out with Sakomoto.
Tensai and Sakomoto corner Cenain the ring. Laurinaitis lays Cena out from behind. Laurinaitis announces that Cena’s opponent will be himself. Sakomoto, Tensai and Laurinaitis assault Cena and focus on his injured arm. Laurinaitis takes the sling off and stomps away. Tensai and Sakomoto hold Cena’s arm on the steel steps as Laurinaitis works it over. Laurinaitis grabs a steel chair and smashes Cena’s arm with it. Laurinaitis does the “you can’t see me” gesture to Cena and walks off with Tensai and Sakomoto as the crowd boos. Cena tries to recover as RAW goes off the air.

Source: WrestleNewz

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