Big Show vs. Kane Show whips Kane into the fan barrier and spears him out onthe floor. Show brings it back in the ring as Laurinaitis takes a mic.He demands an apology now, distracting Big Show. Kane attacks and chokeslams Show for the win.
- After the match, Laurinaitis enters the ring and tells Show to get up and face him. Laurinaitis reminds Show he’s the leader andthe one in charge so he shouldn’t be making fun of him. Laurinaitis demands an apology and says it better be good or he’s firing Show. Show says he’s been thinking about what he would say to Laurinaitis today. When he broke into WCW, he was 23 and this is his life. Show says he’s done it all and finally had his WrestleMania moment. Show says a part of him can walk away with his head held high with no regrets but the truth is, he loves what he does. He loves waking up every day performing for the fans. Show starts crying and the fans chant for him. Show goes on and says if Laurinaitis has an ounce of decency, he will continue let him do what he loves. Laurinaitis says that was nice but he didn’t hear an apology. Show apologizes twice. Laurinaitis now wants Show to get on his knees and beg for his job. Show goes to drop to his knees but hesitates. This goes on and he begs for his job. Laurinaitis says Big Show disgusts him but finally, he will re-consider. Big Show is still crying as Laurinaitis and Otunga leave the ring. Laurinaitis stops on the ramp and says he’s already decided. He goes to fire Big Show and Show starts crying again. He drops to his knees and the crowd boos. Show cries some more and says he is sorry for picking on Johnny’s voice and will never do it again. Laurinaitis says he still isn’t happy and wishes Show the best in his future endeavors. Laurinaitis fires Big Show. Show sits in the ring on his knees and just cries as we go to commercial.
Brodus Clay, Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. The Miz, Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger Ziggler runs into a big headbutt from Clay. Clay tags himself in as Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise on Miz. Clay comes in and hits the big splash for the win.
WINNERS: Brodus Clay, Kofi Kingston and R-Truth - After the match, the champs and Brodus bring a bunch of kids in the ring to dance with them. Up next is Orton vs. Jericho after the commercial.
- Alex Riley is backstage walking with CM Punk when AJ Lee walks up. She wishes Punk good luck for Sunday. He says he doesn’t want to get involved with her and Daniel Bryan because he doesn’t need the drama. Punk says he doesn’t trust Bryan and while he’s known AJ, she’s been pretty unstable. Punk says he will see her later and walks off.
Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton Out of nowhere Jericho grabs Orton and throws him into Sheamus who sat at commentary. Jericho brings Orton back into the ring but Orton catches him and hits the draping DDT. Orton hits the mat but Sheamus pulls Jericho out of the ring and clotheslines him for the DQ.
WINNER by DQ: Chris Jericho - After the match Orton and Sheamus brawls and refs came to keep them apart.
- Back from the break and we see a clip from earlier when Big Show was fired. It’s announced that Eve Torres is making Randy Orton vs. Sheamus for this week’s SmackDown.
- We go to the ring and out comes John Laurinaitis by himself. Laurinaitis talks about how good he is and how John Cena is a loser. He says he will prove after that Over the Limit, all of the fans are losers. Laurinaitis goes on and John Cena’s music interrupts.
Cena comes out and starts sniffing Laurinaitis. He says desperation is such a stinky cologne and starts making jokes on Laurinaitis. Cena rips into Laurinaitis for how he fired Big Show. Cena runs down some of Laurinaitis’ failures and calls him aloser. Cena calls Laurinaitis a loser about 20 times and mocks Jim Carrey. Cena goes on and asks the fans how many want to beat Laurinaitis. Everyone cheers. Cena goes on and on, saying he will destroy Laurinaitis at Over the Limit. Laurinaitis tries to talk and Cena just interrupts him by calling him a loser again.
In honor of the Pittsburgh Penguins, Cena tells Laurinaitis to go “puck” himself and tosses a hockey puck on the mat. Laurinaitis says he’s taller than Cena and better looking than him. Eve Torres comes walking down and whispers something. She hands a paper to Laurinaitis but Cena snatches it out of his hand. The Board says their match at Over the Limit will be a singles match, there will be no special referee or anything, any Superstar who interferes will be terminated and if Laurinaitis loses the match, he will be fired as well.
Cena’s music hits but he wants to hear the big announcement that they were hyping earlier. Laurinaitis just smacks Cena and leaves the ring. Laurinaitis storms off to the back as Cena looks off and RAW goes off the air.