The Soda Pop
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Raw 1000th Episode
Monday, 23 July 2012
- The 1,000th episode of WWE’s Monday Night RAW kicks off with a new intro video. We get another video that looks back at some of the many moments from 1,000 episodes. They also show some of the sadder moments like Eddie Guerrero’s tribute. The video goes on for about 4 minutes and shows a ton of clips. Viva La Raza!

- We’re live from the Scottrade Center in St. Louis, Missouri as Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW 1000. He’s joined by Jerry Lawler.

- We go right to the ring and out comes Vince McMahon.
Vince comes out and thanks the fans. They throw a “thank you Vince” chant back at him. Vince welcomes us to Monday Night RAW and introduces DeGeneration X! The DX music hits and out comes Shawn Michaels and Triple H.

Shawn says he needs to catch his breath from running around. Shawn says he feels like something is missing. Triple H agrees and they do some DX comedy. Triple H says there used to be more of them. The DX music hits again and they introduce X-Pac, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn. They come riding in the Army tank from the WCW invasion years ago. DX reunites in the ring and the crowd pops big for it.

They do crotch chops as the X pyro goes off across the ring. Road Dogg takes the mic first and does his famous intro for The New Age Outlaws. Triple H does his intro and asks everyone if they’re ready. Triple H says he will see everyone at RAW 2000 and then tells everyone to get ready to suck it. More DX comedy. They pick on Shawn for posing for Playgirl years ago. They’re interrupted by Damien Sandow.

Sandow walks to the ring and Shawn says to let him talk. Sandow says this is what WWE and society at large has turned into – degenerates. Sandow runs them down some more but acknowledges that DX could beat him down and dispose of him like trash. Sandow says he won’t be a victim if they do – he will be a martyr for anyone who appreciates a sophisticated mind. DX discusses this as a group as Sandow looks on. HBK connects with Sweet Chin Music and then Triple H grabs him for a Pedigree. They tell everyone to suck it again before the DX music hits and they celebrate some more. They disrobe Sandow and toss him out of the ring. Awesome scene.

- We get hype for The Rock’s return to RAW tonight. Also still to come, Brock Lesnar answers Triple H’s SummerSlam challenge. Cole and Lawler also hype AJ Lee and Daniel Bryan’s wedding for tonight. They plug tonight’s WWE Title main event and we go back to DX celebrating on the ramp. We go to commercial.

- Back from the commercial and out comes Jim Ross to join Cole and Lawler on commentary.

*Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara and Sheamus vs. Chris Jericho, Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio

Sheamus knocks Ziggler back to the floor and waits for Jericho to get up. Sheamus flattens Jericho with a Brogue Kick for the win.
Winners: Sheamus. Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio

- More hype for The Rock before going back to commercial.

- Back from the break and apparently JR has left commentary. We see some Tout videos from WWE fans congratulating AJ and Daniel Bryan on their wedding.

- Cole and Lawler talk to actor Charlie Sheen live via Skype. Apparently he will be watching the show tonight and they are going to check back in with him.

- Cole leads us to a video looking back at Daniel Bryan proposing to AJ last week. AJ is backstage getting ready. She thinks she’s having a private wedding. She’s talking to Layla. Layla looks confused and asks her if she’s sure about the wedding. AJ talks about WWE being unstable. She opens her dressing room door and we see Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Then we see Roddy Piper and R-Truth playing with Little Jimmy. Mae Young appears with a man dressed up like a large hand. This is her son that was born on RAW years ago. Great stuff. Layla wishes AJ good luck and walks off. Back to commercial.

- A Sonic waitress comes down onroller skates through the crowd and gives some smoothies to Cole and Lawler.

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