Monday, 20 August 2012
- Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up from the Save Mart Center in Fresno, California. Out comes Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman to kick things off. Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW as Lesnar and Heyman head to the ring.

Heyman takes the mic and talks about how Lesnar vs. Triple H at SummerSlam was uncomfortable to watch. Heyman goes on about how Triple H is strong but Lesnar was able to stop him. Heyman gets hyped up talking about how Lesnar forced Triple H quit on his family, the fans and everyone else. Heyman says Triple H had his dignity and his manhood stripped. He says Lesnar left TripleH a battered shell of a man. Heyman doesn’t feel sorry for Triple H and says none of the fans should either. Heyman calls out referee Scott Armstrong.

Heyman talks about how Triple H had Armstrong bend the rules at SummerSlam. Heyman says Lesnar has two words for Armstrong. Lesnar slowly backs Armstrong to the corner. Lesnar pats him on the head and shoulder, then tells him good job. Heyman anoints Lesnar as the new King of Kings, the Master of the Brock-tagon and the conqueror of the WWE Universe. Heyman says we all are now the loyal subjects to the master of the WWE Universe, Brock Lesnar. Lesnar’s music hits and they leave.

- Cole and Jerry Lawler plug Shawn Michaels’ appearance for later tonight, via satellite. We go to commercial.

*Kofi Kingston, R-Truth and Sin Cara vs. Titus O’Neil, Darren Young and Cody Rhodes

Everyone is in the ring now and the tag champs send Titus and Young to the floor. Kofi is sent flying over the top. Cody tries to take Cara’s mask off but Cara rolls him up for the win.
Winners: Sin Cara, Kofi Kingston and R-Truth

- Coming later tonight is Zack Ryder and Kane vs. Daniel Bryan and The Miz.

- Matt Striker is backstage with RAW General Manager AJ Lee. David Otunga walks up and says he’s back to RAW. He talks about leaving to film The Hive with Halle Berry. Otunga congratulates AJ onbeing GM of RAW. He points out that she might need some Harvard educated legal counsel. Otunga offers his services and she wants him to offer them in the ring tonight, against an opponent of her choosing. Otunga walks off. Striker brings up CM Punk’s Tout from earlier about picking his own #1 contender. AJ says that’s fine withher as long as she approves of it. AJ skips off and we go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Cole plugs tonight’s Social Media Ambassador Khloe Kardashian. She’s been tweeting about Sin Cara, Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman.

*Ryback vs. Mike Spinner and Andy

Ryback grabs both of them for the double Shellshocked when Jinder Mahal runs in and attacks from behind for the disqualification.
Winner by DQ: Ryback

- After the bell, Mahal continues the attack and hits Ryback with a knee to the face. Mahal applies The Camel Clutch but Ryback powers to his feet with Jinder on his back. Ryback drops down and Jinder retreats from the ring. Ryback stops one of the local wrestlers from attacking. Ryback grabs both jobbers and slams them down to send a message to Mahal, who looks on from the ramp.

- Chris Jericho is backstage when Dolph Ziggler walks up. Ziggler congratulates him on the SummerSlam win. Ziggler wants a rematch tonight. He says he can beat Jericho. Jericho says he knows how to win the big one and asks if Ziggler does. AJ comes skipping in and makes the rematch. If Jericho loses, his contract is terminated. If Ziggler loses, Jericho gets his Money in the Bank contract. AJ skips off and Ziggler chases after her.

- Alberto Del Rio is shown walking backstage and he’s not happy. He slaps something out of Ricardo Rodriguez’s hands and keeps walking. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes Alberto Del Rio. He demands a World Heavyweight Title rematch tonight. AJ Lee comes out and puts him in a match… against Randy Orton.

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