Monday, 16 July 2012 - Tonight’s WWE RAW Supershow opens up with the normal video. We’re live from the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. Michael Cole welcomes us to episode #999. Jerry Lawler plugs John Cena’s Money in the Bank victory. Big Show vs. CM Punk is announced for tonight’s main event.
- We go to the ring and out comes WWE Champion CM Punk. Punk talks about he dropped a pipe bomb one year ago and started a revolution. Punk says he has proven that he is the best in the world. He’s beaten everyone that stepped in front of him, including Daniel Bryan last night. Punk talks about how confused AJ Lee has been. Punk talks about the 1000th RAW and says a guy who looks like him would have never been on that first episode of RAW. He definitely wouldn’t have been standing there in his 8th month as WWE Champion. Punk goes on but is interrupted by Big Show.
Big Show mocks Punk’s speech and the crowd starts to tell him he sucks. Show talks about how John Cena got lucky with the briefcase handle last night. Show says if he won, he would cash in right now and take the WWE Title. Punk picks on Big Show for always losing. Punk says Show has the size and the strength but he just lost. They go on and Show reminds Punk that John Cena could cash in on him tonight once Show wins their main event match. Show drops the mic and walks off as Punk takes in what he just said.
- Cole and Lawler plug next week’s RAW and The Rock’s appearance.
- WWE Tag Team Champions R-Truth and Kofi Kingston are backstage walking to the ring as we go to commercial.
*WWE Tag Team Title Match: TitusO’Neil and Darren Young vs. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth(c)
Truth clotheslines Young out of the ring and Kofi hits Titus with Trouble in Paradise. Truth drops Titus on his face for the win.
Winners: R-Truth and Kofi Kingston(c)
- After the match, AW gets in the ring and argues with the referee.
- AJ Lee is backstage texting when Daniel Bryan walks up. They both apologize for everything. Bryan says he has no hidden motives or agendas, he just got caught up in becoming WWE Champion that he made AJ the scapegoat. Bryan says he was wrong. Bryan goes on but is interrupted by Eve Torres. She’s upset about Bryan ditching her in their tag match last week. Eve spoke to the Board of Directors and tonight it will be Bryan and AJ vs. Eve and a partner of her choosing. Eve says payback is exactly what AJ is. AJ asks Bryan what he was going to say and he says he will tell her after their match. Bryan kisses her on the cheek and walks off.
- We get even more hype for the 1,000th RAW and Tout. Michael Cole plays the very first Tout video that John Cena sent out.
*Zack Ryder vs. Alberto Del Rio
Ryder comes back in the ring but Del Rio is angry. Del Rio beats Ryder some more and applies the cross armbreaker for the quick win.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
- After the match, Del Rio attacks Ryder but Rey Mysterio’s music hits! Rey makes his return to a big pop and rushes the ring to go at it with Del Rio. Rey hits the 619 and sends Del Rio to the floor.
- More 1000th RAW hype with Heath Slater talking about his run-ins with Legends. Cole says we have another returning Legend tonight. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and Heath Slater is in the ring. He wants to know which Legend is coming out next. The music hits and it’s Rikishi! *Rikishi vs. Heath Slater
The former WWE Intercontinental Champion and father to The Usos makes his way to the ring to a mild reaction from the crowd. They go to lock up but Slater goesbehind and runs his mouth. Rikishi drops Slater with a big superkick and then hits him with a stinkface. Rikishi hits the Samoan Spike and climbs to the second rope for a big splash and the win.
Winner: Rikishi
- After the match, Rikishi dances. The lights go out and they come back on with The Usos in the ring. They dance with their dad as the crowd cheers.
*Eve Torres and The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan and AJ
AJ runs over and kicks Miz out to the floor from the apron. Miz runs in while Eve has AJ rolled up but the referee is distracted. Bryan comes in and helps AJ get the pin while the referee isn’t looking.
Winners: AJ and Daniel Bryan
- After the match, Bryan takes the mic as the fans chant yes. Bryan tells AJ that he loves her. Bryan gets a ring from a crew member at ringside. He admits he lied last week about wanting to get married because he wanted to win the WWE Title. Bryan is for real this week and he drops to one knee to propose. AJ hesitates but Bryan puts the ring on her finger. Bryan puts the microphone up to her and she says yes. They kiss as some of the crowd boos. Bryan starts chanting yes and AJ joins in. The crowd joins them with a mix of no chants.
- More hype for the 1000th RAW with a look back at Steve Austin and The Rock.
- It’s announced that AJ and Daniel Bryan’s wedding will take place next week.
*Jack Swagger vs. Ryback
We go to the ring and out first comes Jack Swagger. Ryback is out next with a big explosion. Ryback hits the ring and Swagger immediately attacks him. Swagger unloads and hits the gutwrench powerbomb. The bell still hasn’t rang yet but Swagger nails a Swagger Bomb in the corner. Swagger applies the ankle lock but Ryback blocks it. Swagger runs right back over him. Swagger goes for the leg again but Ryback fights him off. Ryback with a big clothesline. Ryback slams Swagger hard and then hits three straight powerbombs. Ryback kicks Swagger out of the ring and yells “feed me more” as his music plays. The crowd joins along in the chants. Ryback! Ryback! Ryback!