Monday, 9 April 2012
The pyro hits and we see a lot of YES signs tonight! Raw kicks off with Johnny Ace in the ring and he is going to introduce the new face of WWE - Brock Lesnar. New? Really, Johnny, really? Brock comes out and he hasn't changed clothes since last week! Brock thanks Johnny which gets boos from the audience. He mentions Laurinaitis bringing legitimacy back to the WWE and he's interrupted by another Big Johnny - it's John Cena haha. Lawler wonders if this is a good idea for Cena as he heads to the ring. The crowd reaction for Cena is as expected. Cena and Brock began to fight and Bryan (who gets a big pop), Miz, Del Rio, officials and even Billy Kidman in a suit comes out to break them apart. Bryan is the one who can hold Lesnar back! Cena jokingly asks how he looks as Brock slowly leaves. Brock can talk but not to cena's level.
No one wants to see him talk, they want to see him SMASH Cena as Raw heads to commercial.

Backstage: Laurinaitis yells at Teddy Long as it was his job to contain Cena. He tells Long he has to go and get Cena now, to explain his actions. Eve wants some time with Johnny and it ends up being postponed for a phone call!!

*Santino & Brodus Clay vs Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger
From last week when Clay saves Santino from these two, they get a match! Santino is laid out by the two and he tags Brodus. Clotheslines and a headbutt for Dolph, followed up an Exploder Suplex and the Big Splash. Thats enough for the win as Brodus pins Dolph.

Backstage: Johnny blows on Otunga because its a busy night for him. He then yells at Teddy Long, but Cena shows up. He says that Lesnar is gone but Cena's still the because he loves this. Cena vs Lesnar is on. Cena asks for a match and says Johnny can pick the opponent. He said Otunga vs Cena is booked for later with Johnny at ringside.

Somewhere Santino is looking for the Three Stooges. We had a Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks sighting here as Raw heads to commercial. We are back and Santino is still looking for the Stooges. He finds Kane and Santino runs away.

*R-Truth vs Cody Rhodes
45 seconds after the match started Big Show comes out and interrupts. He shows some highlights of Cody losing. Once those are over, Truth nails Rhodes with the Lie Detector. Match lasted less than 2 minutes.

Backstage: Santino opens a box that contained the Stooges. They're in character as expected.

*Lord Tensai vs Yoshi Tatsu
Tensai totally destroys Yoshi. Ichi Ban Baldo Bomb in the center of the ring and the ref stops the match as Yoshi is down. Match lasted 2 minutes.
After the match Tensai isnt done yet. He applies THE CLAW on Yoshi. It seems like people loves The Claw.

Up Next: WWE champion CM Punk makes his entrance and immediately grabs the mic. He squats in the center of the ring but doesnt sit. He then stands and speaks. He breaks the silence from last week. He puts Straight Edge over as his personal choice. Punk says its his way of life and he's proud of it. He mentions reasons for being Straight Edge but prefaces it by sayin it doesnt matter and its no one's business. It doesnt even matter, he's the Best Damn Wrestler in the World. That gets a nice CM PUNK chant. he's upset about Chris Jericho revealing his father's past, making up stories about his sister and talking ill of his mother. Punks says jericho wanted to get into his head but he still made Jericho tap at Mania. Then Jericho went too far. Jericho interrupts Punk from the Titantron. Jericho asks if Punk is hung-over.
He says Punk is still tipsy and we're all witnessing Punk's first bender. Jericho calls him CM Drunk which gets under Punk's skin. Punk says its no longer about him being best in the world this is about him kicking his ass. Speaking of that, Mark Henry comes out.

(c)CM Punk vs Mark Henry
Punk hits Henry with the announce table's monitor and the ref calls for the bell.
After the match here's Jericho. Henry hits the WSS on Punk and Jericho with the awesome jacket, slides in the ring. He hits the Codebreaker and pour cans of beer over Punk. Y2J says ''It's all for you! Drink it in! Drink it in, punk! You want another drink? This one's for your father!'' Punk tries to get up but Jericho responds with another Codebreaker then went to retrieve the belt.

*Aberto Del Rio vs Zack Ryder
Match lasted less than 2 minutes when Del Rio applied the cross armbreaker and Ryder taps.

Up Next: Some segment with the Three Stooges. And there's a Hulk Hogan impersonator! Here comes Kane to finally end this crazy segment.

Backstage: Josh Matthews interviews Lesnar. Brock talks about going to the UFC he claims their success was on him. His blood, sweat and tears. He's back at the top where he belongs. Brock mentions hitting Cena in the mouth earlier where the blood spilled. And points out that the suits are proud to have him back. Brock says he's not here to make any friends. He's a WAR MACHINE. An ASS KICKER! And a proud one at that.

*John Cena vs David Otunga
5 Knuckle Shuffle! Attitude Adjustment! STF! Otunga taps out. Match lasted 5 minutes.
After the match, HERE COMES THE PAIN! Here's Brock. Low blow to Cena to remind us that he's the heel. Sure, but the crowd still won't cheer for Cena. Shame. F-5 to Cena. Lesnar stands over his fallen prey. End Show.

[What Did You Think of Raw]

80s toys - Atari. I still have