Monday, 7 May 2012 - Tonight’s WWE RAW Supershow opens up with a look back at last week where John Laurinaitis attacked John Cena and made the match for Over the Limit.
- We’re live from the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina as Michael Cole welcomes us. He’s joined by Jerry Lawler. We go right to the ring and Justin Roberts introduces John Laurinaitis.
Laurinaitis says Cena embarrassed him last week by calling him names. Laurinaitis says he lost his temper and when that happens, he goes into a fit ofdestruction that nobody can understand. Laurinaitis says Brock Lesnar injured Cena’s arm and last week he injured his pride. Laurinaitis says he will finish the job at Over the Limit. Laurinaitis goes on and says he wasn’t reprimanded by the Board of Directors because they realize he is tough but fair. Laurinaitis asked that Cena not be here live tonight. He wants Cena to do therapy on his elbow so he’s good to go at Over the Limit and has no excuses.
Laurinaitis says Cena will be here live via satellite for an interview with Cole tonight. Laurinaitis says Cena will apologize for making fun of his voice. He puts WWE stars on notice and says whoever picks on his voice will be reprimanded. Laurinaitis talks about how he was injured in Japan, causing his voice to change. He shows photos of himself wrestling in Japan. Laurinaitis says he was the Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and The Rockof Japan. Laurinaitis goes on but is interrupted by WWE Champion CM Punk.
Punk hits the ring and says Laurinaitis still has no clue about what the fans want. Punk says the fans do not want to see Johnny. He says this is all about Laurinaitis putting his chips on Brock Lesnar and Cena defeating him. Punk says Laurinaitis had Cena attacked and now he’s here to pick the bones. Punk says Ace went to Japan because a joke… he came back and he’s still a joke. Punk says he’s going to beat Daniel Bryan at Over the Limit and then watch Cena beat Laurinaitis. Laurinaitis asks Punk if he’s finished. Punk gets riled up and calls Laurinaitis stupid, ugly and says he has no friends. Punk calls Laurinaitis a giant tool box and now he’s finished. Laurinaitis says if he wasn’t training for his match against Cena, he would pummel Punk to the ground. Laurinaitis announces Punk vs. Lord Tensai for later tonight. Punk says he looks forward to the challenge, almost as much as he looks forward to Cena making him tap out at Over the Limit. Punk drops the mic and exits the ring.
- We see Big Show walking backstage. Up next, Show vs. Cody Rhodes for the Intercontinental Title. We go to commercial.
- John Laurinaitis runs into Big Show walking backstage. Laurinaitis asks if Show is stupid and tells him to stay out of his way. Show mocks Laurinaitis and turns around to Eve Torres staring him down.
Intercontinental Title Match: Big Show vs. Cody Rhodes Show goes for the knockout punch but Cody ducks out of the ring. Cody grabs his title and goes to leave but Show stops him. Cody escapes the ring again and runs off with his title as the referee counts him out.
Winner by Count Out: Big Show - After the match, Show takes the mic and tells Cody to come back but he doesn’t. The music of Eve Torres hits and out comes the Executive Administrator. Eve tells Show to apologize for making fun of John Laurinaitis earlier. Show says he’s sorry but that’s not good enough for Eve. Eve calls him a freak and brings up his job. She wants him to apologize again. Show sucks it up and says he apologizes for making fun of John Laurinaitis’ voice. Show leaves the ring as Eve smirks.
- Still to come tonight, Punk vs. Tensai. Plus, Alberto Del Rio and Chris Jericho vs. Sheamus and Randy Orton. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and we see footage of Kofi Kingston and R-Truth winning the WWE Tag Team Titles from Primo and Epico last week.
Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler Truth and Vickie distract the referee arguing. Swagger pushes Kofi off the second rope. Ziggler takes advantage and hits the Zig Zag for the win.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
- We see John Cena getting ready for his interview with Cole. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and Michael Cole is in the ring. He introduces John Cena live via satellite. Cena thanks the fans. He says he’s cleared to compete but has to get his elbow drained twice a day. Cole asks if he will be able to wrestle at Over the Limit. Cena says a group of doctors recommend that he shouldn’t compete for a few months. Cena says those doctors don’t know who they’re dealing with. Nothing will keep him from facing off against Laurinaitis. Cena says he asked the Board of Directors not to take action against Laurinaitis until after Over the Limit. Cole says he’s impressed with watching tapes of Laurinaitis and suggests Cena is scared. Cena admits he’s scared… scared Laurinaitis will hurt himself first before Cena can get his hands on him. Cena says he will kick Laurinaitis’ ass at Over the Limit.
Maxine and Natalya vs. Layla and Kelly Kelly Beth vs. Layla is announced for Over the Limit. Layla covers Maxine but Natalya tries to come in, only to be stopped by Kelly Kelly. Maxine attacks from behind but Layla rolls her up for another pin attempt. Layla and Maxine go at it for a minute before Layla hits her finisher for the win.
Winners: Layla and Kelly Kelly
Alberto Del Rio and Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton and Sheamus Sheamus goes for his Celtic Cross but Jericho slides out. Jericho attempts Walls of Jericho but it’s blocked. Sheamus hits Irish Curse for a 2 count as Del Rio runs in. Orton takes Del Rio out with a RKO. Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick on Jericho but he ducks and it takes Orton out. Jericho with a Codebreaker on Sheamus for the win.
Winners: Alberto Del Rio and Chris Jericho - After the match, Jericho grabs the World Heavyweight Title from ringside and screams that it’s his. Jericho tells Cole to point out that he just pinned the World Heavyweight Champion. Jericho and Del Rio leave together. Sheamus tries to help Orton up in the ring but Orton doesn’t want the help. Orton lays Sheamus out with a RKO.
- Eve and Laurinaitis are talking backstage about Big Show. She goes off to talk to him when Chris Jericho comes in. Jericho wants a World Heavyweight Title shot! Orton comes in and they start brawling. Del Rio joins in as does Sheamus. Everyone separates and the World Heavyweight Title match at Over the Limit is made into a fatal four-way.
Brodus Clay vs. The Miz Miz goes to the middle rope but Clay catches him with an overhead throw. Clay runs the ropes and hits the big splash for the win.
Winner: Brodus Clay
- Up next, an official update on Triple H’s medical condition and Brock Lesnar’s WWE future. Back to commercial.
- We get a look back at last week’sRAW Supershow where Triple H was attacked by Brock Lesnar. They say Triple H will require surgery but continues to do his job for WWE. Triple H will speak next week live on RAW. They say Lesnar was invited to RAW tonight but declined the offer. Instead, he sent his legal representation. Lesnar’s music hits and out comes Paul Heyman!
Heyman introduces himself and says he is here to represent Brock Lesnar. Heyman puts over Lesnar and says he has been put down by the WWE audience since day one. WWE says that same thing goes for management. Heyman goes on and says Lesnar feels betrayed by the WWE Universe and he should not have to feel that way because he is the only man in history to hold the NCAA Division 1 Title, the Undisputed WWE Title and the Undisputed UFC Heavyweight Title. Heyman says Lesnar is an honest man. He told us he would be an ass kicking machine and he is. Heyman says Lesnar asked him to come here tonight and read his statement.
The statement says Lesnar came back to bring legitimacy to WWE and in return he got the same politics that caused him to leave years ago. He has no regrets for hurting Cena and Triple H. He runsdown Triple H in the statement. Lesnar doesn’t care about Triple H,the people or WWE’s corporate suits. Lesnar says he is never coming back because he quits. The crowd cheers. Heyman drops the mic and leaves the ring.
- Big Show is backstage with the stars from USA Network’s new show. They’re giving him hell for apologizing to Eve Torres earlier. They’re going to do some investigating and find out how John Laurinaitis is keeping his job.They start picking on Laurinaitis when Eve Torres appears again and stares Show down.
CM Punk vs. Lord Tensai and Daniel Bryan Punk drops Tensai with a kick to the jaw. Punk goes up top for the elbow drop but Bryan knocks him off. Tensai grabs Punk and slams him to the mat. Tensai spits the mist on his hand and applies the claw before slamming Punk to end it.
Winners: Daniel Bryan and Lord Tensai - Tensai leaves with Sakomoto as Bryan chants “yes” at ringside and we go to replays. Bryan comes in the ring and stomps on Punk before applying the Yes Lock. Bryan finally breaks the hold and yells some more. He goes back to the hold and the referee gets him to break it again.RAW goes off the air with Bryan yelling “yes” as the referee checks on Punk.