Old school Swatch Watches
Monday, 2 April 2012
Raw kicks off in the locker room area where Smackdown and Raw superstars are sitting in the back. Otunga and John Laurinaitis are standing in the front. Big Johnny says that last night he earned the right to be gm of both Smackdown and Raw. He makes some matches Santino will face Ziggler and Swagger for the US championship.
Cm Punk interrupts and doesn't trust Johnny. So Johnny makes it Punk vs Mark Henry title match for tonight. Ridiculous!

Up Next: After Nickleback we get the entrance music of the Great One! The Rock makes his way down the ramp to the ring. rock soaks in the cheers for so long. A Boots to Asses chant ensues and Rock smiles. Rock claims that 14 months ago...ah but he's cut of by ''You still got it'' chants from the crowd. And he does, by the way. 14 months ago, The Rock came back to WWE and did everything. birthday parties, rock concerts, sold out arenas all across the country and all that. It wasn't until last night when The Rock stood before a history making 78,000 people to defeat John Cena. And now, he can truly say...Finally. He shows his goosebumps for the crowd. The Rock wants to thank John Cena, much to the chagrin of the crowd. The Rock claims than Cena brought it to The Rock like never before after a leg drop, two AA's, a STF, The Rock damn near gave up. the calls it a honor to compete with John Cena in the biggest match of all time, win or lose, at he end of the day, the most important thing was making history at Wrestlemania and they did it for the fans. The Rock wants to thank John Cena his family and his friends but more importantly than all of that he wants to thank The People.
The Rock says that while he was celebrating in Miami, getting his salsa on. He had a vision. People told him that this vision was impossible. What these people failed to realize is that The Rock wipes a monkey's ass with the word impossible. He asks if we'd like to hear his vision. According to the crowd, YES! YES! YES! That vision is this, that The Rock - one day - will walk down that aisle as the WWE Champion. He claims that one day it will happen. If Ya Smelllll what The Rock....is cookin! Rock ends this segment and poses with a great ovation from the crowd. We head next to the US Championship.

(c)Santino vs Dolph Ziggler vs Jack Swagger
The Cobra ends Swagger!
After the match they both attack Santino but he escapes up the entrance. Brodus Clay comes out and takes Swagger and Ziggler down. Santino and Brodus celebrates some dance.

*Lord Tensai vs Alex Riley
Tensai hits a seated Powerbomb which is enough for the ref to stop the match.

(c)CM Punk vs Mark Henry
Another running knee to Henry but he's too strong for that so he pushes Punk over the top rope and the ref counted him out.
It's count-out guys so Mark Henry won the match but not the title. Henry is p.ssed and he takes out Punk. Big Johnny comes out and makes Punk's life miserable. He says that Punk will defend his title on consistent basis. He says that he sees some dark clouds in his future. Here comes the voice of Jericho. He comes out from the crowd berating Punk's loss. He calls the Mania match a classic and says that we should celebrate with a drink. Jericho removes his jacket and grabs a bottle of Jack Daniels! BOMB! Instead of pouring it down Punk's throat he cracks the bottle over Punk's head! Jericho walks away as officials check on Punk.

Up Next: It's the World Hvt Champion Sheamus that comes out! You can hear the boos pour in after that Wrestlemania quick win Sheamus didn't even give Bryan a chance. Before sheamus can even say anything, we get the music of Alberto Del Rio! Ricardo comes out to announce the man! Del Rio points out to the win of 18 seconds as the crowd chants 'Daniel Bryan'. Del Rio says that as fast as Sheamus won the title, he's going to lose it. Now he has a new challenger and this challenger doesnt hide behind a chica, Del Rio says. And of course this challenger is Alberto Del Rio hahaha The crowd starts a Si! Si! Si! Si! chant! Sheamus starts and the crowd boos him, hard. He says that these people want to see him brogue kick someone right in the face. He is glad that Del Rio is out here because now he gets an opportunity to show these people something they will never forget. Del Rio says that he is not looking for a fight because he already has one. In honor of Del Rio's return, Johnny ace has agreed to give him a match on Smackdown. And that match is Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio for the World Title. Daniel Bryan chants begin again. Del Rio gives the mic to Ricardo then Ricardo turns right into a brogue kick. Del Rio walks away. P.ssed.

Backstage: We see Daniel Bryan and the wonderfully beautiful AJ is watching on the screen. Josh matthews is here asking Bryan how he feels about the loss. Bryan says nothing as the crowd chants his name.

We see some clips of Mania and how Machine Gun Kelly got some heavy boos. MGK is in the crowd and he's loving the boos haha We head right to the next match.
*Cody Rhodes vs Kofi Kingston
Rhodes with the Beautiful Disaster but he doesn't pin. He picks Kofi up but Big Show's music hits and he shows Cody some footage of him knocking Rhodes out at Mania. Rhodes is p.ssed that he turns right into a Trouble In Paradise from Kofi and this one is over.

Backstage: Mark Henry is throwing stuff around. Out of nowhere, Abraham Washington shows up! He tells Henry that it's time to change! Time for Henry to put some muscle with hustle. He wants to represent Henry. Washington pulls out a card and hands it to Henry. He tells Henry to think about it. Okay?

*The Miz vs Zack Ryder
Miz sends Ryder's shoulder into the ring post then hits a Skull Crushing Finale for the 3 count.

Up Next: John Cena is in the arena and his time is now. Cena's music hits and boos accompany the man to the center of the stage. His face is stoic as he makes his way down. He looks out to the sea of people as he grabs the mic, scratching his head in worry before speaking. His face is that of disappointment. He hesitates long enough for boos to start again, then nods in acceptance. He says that he never thought of losing but now that it is happened. The only thing to do is right. The obligation to those who believe in him is to take defeats and do it right. He quotes Muhammad Ali and talks about the various clips of things that he has said. He claims that he has talked a lot leading up to Mania. Anyone else in his shoes would be making excuses and saying that it wasn't their fault. Cena says that this is not him and it will never be him. He meant every single thing that he said. He meant it then and mean it now. There is not one second in the year long build up that he ever thought he was going to lose because if one was to think like that then the loss is already there. No one goes undefeated in life. A true champ retains the will to win through their most disappointing loss. With that being said, there was a lot of speculation as to how he would react. THE CROWD BOOS. Would Cena lash out at his opponents? Would he make excuses? The crowd chants ''What a Loser''. would this finally be the day that he lashes out of the WWE universe? Cena asked. The crowd respond with YES! YES! YES! YES! He breaks the bad news and says that will not happen. He says he is a man and a man that was beaten. And as a man he will admit defeat. Last night at Mania he lost to The Rock. He claims that some critics will claim that last night would be the most important of his career. He thanks the universe (which boos him) and his family. He thanks MGK which gets boos as well. He apologizes if he let anyone down and claims that he will wipe the slate clean and try to be the best that he can be but the crowd cuts him off with the boos. Cena wants to address us. He is not here to call out The Rock. When you call someone out, you want a fight. (WE WANT LESNAR! WE WANT LESNAR! WE WANT LESNAR! broke out in the crowd). Cena lets the chants happen. He says its always an interesting crowd. He actually wants The Rock. He wants to invite The Rock to come back down to the ring. Not to talk trash, not to fight but out of respect. Respect that the rock has earned. Ge wants everyone to know that The Rock has earned his respect.
He considers The Rock a champ and an inspiration and after last night the greatest WWE superstar in this industry. Cena wants one more moment of celebration for Miami's own, The Rock. Cena gets more boos each time he tries to put something into place. He says he wants one second to acknowledge The Rock as the better man and wants to congratulate him on his victory so he wants The Rock to come out. HERE COMES THE PAIN!!!! BROCK LESNAR makes his surprise return! The crowd is going wild! Lesnar paces atop the stage. He stares down cena from the stage. Lesnar hops!!! Fans everywhere are excited over a left to right hop from the beast!!! Lesnar walks down the ramp and around the ring. He stares down Cena as the crowd chants ''HOLY SH!T''. Lesnar circles the ring then hits the stairs. He walks up the stairs and gets in the ring. Cena claps (this is why people don't like you, Cena, just let it happen). Lesnar flexes then extends his hand. Cena goes for a shake and BAM! F-5!!!!
End show.

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