- Backstage segment with World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus. He isn’t worried about Dolph Ziggler and isn’t worried about Alberto Del Rio beating him tonight.
- Justin Roberts introduces The Miz and out he comes to the stage. Miz says he has been off filming a movie but is tired of being overlooked. He announces that he will be in tonight’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match featuring former WWE Champions.
- We get a RAW 1,000th video looking back at Mick Foley winning the WWE Title as Mankind.
- We get a preview video for tonight’s World Heavyweight Title match.
*World Heavyweight Title Match: Alberto Del Rio vs. Sheamus(c)
Sheamus hits White Noise and gets ready to put Del Rio away. The crowd chants “Brogue” before Sheamus nails the Brogue Kick for the win.
Winner: Sheamus
- After the match, Ricardo jumps on Sheamus’ back and stops the celebration. Del Rio attacks and beats Sheamus down to the mat. Del Rio mounts him with right hands before both of them stomp away on Sheamus. The music hits and out comes Dolph Ziggler to cash in. He lays Del Rio out with a briefcase shot and talks with the referee. Sheamus gets up and hits him with a Brogue Kick before the match can start. Ziggler still has a title shot. Sheamus poses with the World Title before celebrating with the fans on the way to the back.
*Titus O’Neil and Darren Young vs. Primo and Epico
Tag Champs Kofi and Truth came out in suits and joins the announcers. Primo springboards back in but Young catches him in mid-air with knees to the face. Young looks to put him away but Primo gets the win after a quick roll up.
Winners: Primo and Epico
- After the match, AW joins his team in the ring as Primo and Epico leave with Rosa. He says it doesn’t matter because they are still the #1 contenders. AW, Young and Titus go to ringside and argue with Kofi and Truth. Truth throws water all over AW. Titus and Young hold AW back from going at it Kofi. Truth holds Lil’ Jimmy back. Kofi’s music hits as Young and O’Neil leave with AW. - We get a look at the events leading up to tonight’s WWE Title match. Matt Striker is backstage with AJ Lee. She says despite what happened on RAW, CM Punk is an amazing human being. She says Daniel Bryan is her first love and starts to lose her mind a little. She says she has to go and walks off for the match.
*No DQ Match for the WWE Title: Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk(c)
Special G Ref: Aj Lee
Bryan climbs up with Punk but Punk counters and drops Bryan between his legs on the top turnbuckle. Punk climbs back up and hits Bryan with elbows. Punk hits a huge backdrop from the top, sending Bryan crashing through a table. AJ counts and Punk gets the win.
Winner: CM Punk
- After the match, AJ takes the WWE Title and hands it to Punk, who goes to the corner to celebrate. AJ looks confused and a bit upset as Bryan lays knocked out on the broken table. We go to replays with AJ watching Punk celebrate.
- We get a plug for Tout.
*Ryback vs. Tyler Reks and Curt Hwkins
We go to the ring and out comes the team of Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins. Ryback is out next. Hawkins runs in but Ryback slams him and hits a huge powerbomb. Ryback tosses Hawkins out to the floor and drops Reks with a clothesline. Ryback scoops Reks and drops him with Shell Shocked for the win.
Winner: Ryback
- More hype for the 1,000th RAW with a look back at Chris Jericho’s debut.
*Layla, Kaitlyn and Tamina Snuka vs. Beth Phoenix, Natalya and Eve Torres
All 6 Divas are going at it now. It comes down to Tamina superkicking Beth. Layla takes advantage and drops Beth for the win.
Winners: Layla, Kaitlyn and Tamina