Tuesday, 3 April 2012
After Raw went off air, Sheamus, Big Show and Randy Orton defeated Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes and Kane. Sheamus pinned Bryan.

Raw Off-Air Report by Stephen Lyon and The Wrestling Observer:
Just back from the Raw taping.i can honestly say that was the most fun Raw tv taping I have ever been to. The crowd were awesome. Just to add a few things to the Raw notes already on the site:
- Dean Ambrose did a promo walking to the ring for his match.
He said the crowd were al witnessing history and the start
of his greatness in WWE. He came across great and drew good heat from the crowd. He also looked good in his win.

- The Yes chants have totally
caught on and are officially the
new What?! Chant, for better or worse. One thing is for sure
though - Daniel Bryan has not
been damaged one bit by his
WM28 loss. I realise tonight's
crowd was comprised of many
overseas fans who came for
Mania, and who are generally
'smart'(ish), but the entire crowd were chanting Yes throughout
the show. In a hilarious bit, Del Rio came out to face Sheamus, Del Rio got a "Si, Si, Si'' chant.
In the dark match 6 man, Daniel Bryan received a reaction
coming out equal to that of the Rock and just below Brock
Lesnar. Show, Orton and Sheamus were just cracking up
laughing. Every time Bryan
tagged out, everyone was
yelling "We want Bryan" literally
the second he tagged out. Each time he kicked or punch, it was Yes. Every time the faces did a
move, it elicited a No chant.
When Sheamus pinned Bryan, Sheamus was roundly booed (he was
booed earlier on too).
- Bryan did a great promo to
close the show, pretty much a
babyface promo. He said last
night was the worst moment in his career, but that tonight was one of the best. He asked AJ
what she thought of everything,
and as she meekly went to
speak, he pulled the mic away,
told her to shut up and go to
back, which for a big pop and
everyone laughed. He thanked the fans tonight and at WM28 for
chanting Yes and supporting
him. He said the chants have
convinced the people on charge
to create a new t-shirt for him
(presumably with Yes on it). He
then said he had one thing left
sayin, and asked everyone to
join saying it - "Yes! Yes! Yes!" He
also said, "You guys better buy
the t-shirt!" which was funny.
- Not sure how it came across on
tv but I felt the Lord Tensai was
a little underwhelming. Everyone
saw it was A-Train and chanted
as such. He also got "You shaved your back!" chants as well. That
poor guy has walk around with
that tattoo transfer on his face
too. And it looks like he got run
over by a truck as well.
- There was a guy dressed up as
Randy Savage in the crowd in
the front row who got a huge
reaction during the Punk vs
Henry match.
- Miami Heat player Dwayne
Wade watch half of the show at
ringside before leaving. Machine
Gun Kelly came out to take his
seat and was booed out of the
- As far as Cena goes, he got
100% boos. There was just
nobody cheering for the guy. It
was one of the most anti-Cena
crowds for a regular Raw that I
can recall.
- The place just went nuts for
Lesnar. It was a bigger pop that
Rock got (in Miami, which is
pretty crazy). People just knew
he was coming out at some
point, which chants and signs
- After the show, people were
still chanting Bryan's name
exiting the building.

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