Friday, 27 April 2012
Dark Match:

Dean Ambrose won against a guy I didn't know.


Derrick beat JTG.
Kaitlyn and Tamina beat Natalya and Maxine.

Tyson Kidd beat Johnny Curtis.

Hunico and Camacho beat The Usos.

Daniel Bryan opened the show with a promo. Alberto Del Rio came out and said he was going to be the next World Champ. Big Show came out and cleared the ring. That scared me.

That led to Alberto beating Big Show in a non-title match when Cody Rhodes interfered.

Nikki Bell beat Alicia Fox when Brie helped her.

Titus O'Neill and Darryn Young beat Big Zeke and Yoshi Tatsu.

During a promo segment Randy Orton laid out Jinder Mahal.

Antonio Cesaro beat Tyson Kidd.

Great Khali beat Cody Rhodes.

Ryback won a squash.

Sheamus beat Mark Henry in the match set up on Raw.

Dark Match:

Randy Orton and Big Show beat Daniel Bryan and Cody Rhodes to end the show.

Source: PWInsider

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