Monday, 2 April 2012
Some superstars wrote the following on Twitter after Wrestlemania 28:

Joey Styles: Congrats to @TheRock for winning his ''Once in a Lifetime'' #Wrestlemania match with @JohnCena 78,000 people exploded in Miami.

Santino Marella: Rock just beats Cena, i'm speechless for once in my life.

Vickie Guerrero: Wrestlemania was incredible!!! Everyone worked hard and gave their heart! Thank you fellow superstars, production and crew.

Randy Orton: Gonna be hard to top HHH/ Taker......#WrestleMania28.

Zack Ryder: @EveMarieTorres ruined my #Wrestlemania moment. I got a low blowski from a hoeski.

Epico: There it is! I walked in to #Wrestlemania as tag team champion and I leave as tag team champion!!!

The Rock: @TeamBringIt Worldwide. Tonight's epic and historic Wrestlemania win was for you. THANK YOU. #HumbledByYourSupport.

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